Friday, January 21, 2011

What Is Medium Width Shoes

The end of the Montserrat strike by the union view

This Friday ended the strike by the union existed Inter Montserrat supermarket, the organization and the manifestations seen in this negotiation process are unprecedented in supermarkets Montserrat, which genre that this tough fight given to this union, by way of its leaders, "the better collective contract in the history of Montserrat "..

The following is a message that the union sent us one of the mails of battle

!!... Dear friends and colleagues to inform you that grocery workers have ended a strike Montserrat Legal Friday January 21, 2011, signing the best collective agreements in the history of Montserrat, we are very tired but very happy because we have shown that workers united and organized, we can achieve great !!... thank you very much to all for their support, a brotherly hug .. VIVA CHILE Y


Union president Vicky Bravo

National Union Inter-D & S and other

EXPIRED !!!!!!! Only

fighting and intelligence determined due !!!!!!!

Long live forever Montserrat Strikers 2011!!

forever Long live the brave people of Magellan!!

Despite: the Department of Labor Employer, the new "Employer Justice", Press Patron, Patron Police Forces, the company sold leaders who tried to break the strike, workers and toadies opportunistic of the company that said they would lose as many strikes and would not get anything as big overcame !!!!!!!.

The Labor Department did not rule on anti-union practices and upheld the objection of 344 workers to have collective agreement in force, although he negotiated the company union, the company did not object to those who were in the same situation. Moreover, the failure of the Employer's address out quickies, as emerging from the printers in the company, who knows what kind of incentive. We never even received the Principal Employer, to talk about the Minister of Labour. Let us not miss a thing. To tell the mediator Directorate of Labour? who wanted to intimidate the leaders saying that the strike was lost !!!!. The new Justice

Employers, dared not grant an injunction, because basically does not believe in freedom of association and is afraid of damaging the company, given argument to leave the issue of discrimination for final decision and do not give as injunction.

leaders Vilches, Olguin Diaz, along with the yellow union companies, do not ever forget. Hidden walk, eyes glued to the ground and cheek flushed, they fear the company workers, in the distance you hear the echo of the song comes and goes more sense of The Inter not strike Sell!.

They justified their betrayal by saying we were crazy people who never get to negotiate with all employees in a single contract, which had to accept the offer of the company, which hide now? The problem I have with the cowards who followed and earned less than half of those who gave the fight. We signed a contract with all employees, including all objects and which benefited all workers !!!!!

Workers claimed more to break the strike, which mocked the striking workers, who will say this morning, when strikers get to work all-day strike today paid by the company, without borrowing or any gadget, the strike days are paid by the company. What will be the expression on their faces when they see the end of month settlement of workers, increasing real Remunerated total of 18%, including real wage increase of 10% and the increase of the bonus which implies an increase compensation of 5% bonuses and perks Balance reassessments involving an actual monthly increase ranging between 3% and 5%. But unfortunately for them it was agreed that these benefits only apply to inter-enterprise union partners, and may not be extended to other workers, WAGE INCREASE MORE IMPORTANT IN THE HISTORY OF MONTSERRAT AND ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THE HISTORY OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING IN SUPERMARKETS.

The Police or the Police Employer could not keep this out! Strike with power !!!!, Local workers strike at 7 days were taken 7 Local Montserrat. This was a strike in Europe, with pickets, making business and a stake in the strike, which fluctuated between 80 and 100% of all workers. The workers challenged, that they should work, as we work towards go-slow and out of turn, they joined the protests and local outlets.

La Prensa Employers are not even referred to this strike, their characteristics and achievements, without a doubt the most successful of recent years. Gone was the bitter pill of public sector negotiations, pharmacies and others smoked so much, we all hurt. The 2011 starts with two important victories for workers, the town of Magallanes and the workers of Montserrat, good omens for this year !!!!!. Both showed that only determined and serious fighting are obtained great achievements!.

517 workers united, determined, disciplined and willing to exercise each of their labor rights, the union leader's dream and labor lawyer come true. It is time for celebration and cocecha and gratitude to all workers and the majority of police who refused to suppress, the union not being supported us generously, to professionals, photographers and families of the strikers, who supported them in this risky adventure.

hope that these two victories of the people of Magellan and the strikers of Montserrat, serve as an example, an incentive for all Chileans, for the people of Chile, still asleep, but I have no doubt wake up soon, there are indications , as lawyers say, that miracle could happen.

My real dream is that one day together with all workers and people of chile OVERCOME!.



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