Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Camera Made In Germany

Property PISA Gabriel Ruiz Tagle

few days ago I showed the situation facing workers BLASMAR High Bridge, to do BATTLE team leaders I talked to made a video, within the discussed leaders told us of another strike, by colleagues that were supporting, the workers of industrial papers SA (PISA), a company for paper and cardboard which is the second largest of its kind after CMPC, if you ever in the grocery store or the store has seen the toilet paper or magiklin favorite, good for that role is owned by PISA, include those who are the owners of this company, this is nothing more and nothing less than Gabriel Ruiz Tagle former shareholder of Colo Colo and current Minister of Sports, therefore as a step to the FASA strike where the Minister of work was a shareholder, this strike will be silenced by traditional media and the government .. These workers were supporting the bridge Blasmar fellow high but now must face their own strike, joint mobilizations can be and that we now share the first statement of the union of PISA:

Communiqué No. 1
A Public Opinion:

From on Thursday December 30, 2010, company workers Papers Industrial SA amounting to a number of 195 remain legal strike of indefinite duration, as after a hard bargaining process, the company yielded to the petitions raised by workers belonging to the Union No. 2.

The main demands are:

- Increased production bonus, as this corresponds to 40% approx. monthly compensation.
- Reset 6% of base salary.
- Improved los beneficios para los trabajadores y sus familias.
- Indemnización por años de servicio a todo evento.

Cabe señalar que la empresa es la segunda productora de papel tissue a nivel nacional, contando además con capitales extranjeros provenientes de SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget), multinacional líder en el rubro papelero a nivel mundial.

El Sr. GABRIEL RUIZ-TAGLE quien en la actualidad se desempeña como Sub-Secretario de Deportes, sigue siendo accionista de la empresa y el cargo de Gerente de Operaciones lo ocupa el Sr. Eduardo Morel.

Finalmente a 6 días de iniciada la huelga, la situación se mantiene igual, no existiendo ningún tipo de acercamiento por parte de la empresa in order to resolve the conflict and reach a fair deal for workers and their families.

No. 2 Union of Workers Industrial Company SA
papers States, organized and mobilized

Ruiz Tagle + = Piñera Morel
Workers Contact: 7854582,


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