Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Main Duties President

Press Workers on strike at the SA Industrial Paper Company Strike

A public opinion

Nine days into the strike legal, the situation remains the same way we started this fight by trying to protect our dignity as workers, not letting entrepreneurial capitalism imposing its rules and dictate how we live, trying to ignore the existence of a worker not only based on the wearing of a bread home, but in giving the opportunity to have a decent living and happy.

As workers we have advanced and evolved, we view and projections, as workers have dreams and goals, to claim that our children and families have a better future with more opportunities to grow and develop freely and equally.

This implies that to achieve these dreams, as workers need not conform with the miserable view of a businessman, which requires income to live on the grounds that we just have to adjust it for what it says market research, knowing that to survive in this society the increasing costs are higher and wages remain the same. Partners

today we are more firm and united at the beginning of this strike, knowing that our scenario is more adverse, perhaps, than many workers in the country, because our struggle is not only against a business group, but is also against the government of employees, which this time clearly demonstrated by putting all their influences against our struggle, so that the day of the rally in downtown Santiago just a few mostly independent and alternative media, came interested in the news. On the other hand we were visited by the high plane of the Directorate of Labour, but it did not intend that this conflict came to a quick solution, but that their goal was to protect the interests of colleagues and partners in government, trying to raise awareness and confuse employees.

Because workers are the ones who actually produce the wealth in this society and therefore we have every right to live in better conditions than we are now condemned to corporate abuse. We know that with our strength and unity we can defend our rights.

demonstrate through hard work, unity, organization and intelligence to the business class and government employers that we do not give.



http://sindicatopisa. Wordpress.com
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