Saturday, January 1, 2011

Has Anyone Recently Been To Desire Resort

struggle Blasmar fellow in Puente Alto

If you are a high bridge or passing through the plaza of this community, you will find a group of people with a jar asking for coins for the strike, these workers' union that is in Blasmar Legal strike. From the day
Monday 13 December, the union workers are on strike Blasmar legal, are 101 workers a total of 182 people working in this rubber company located in the borough of High Bridge about 6 blocks d ela-term community in the shell street bull Pirque way.
Striking workers have stood firm and in control despite the holiday year which could be a strong emotional factor to lower the legal strike and stay with what the company offers which is half of what they had however, the mood for better working there, several partners were demonstrating, saying they would not enter on his knees in a company that exploits, that this is not the first strike and that all others had returned to the mine with our heads held high.
As pointed out by the leaders of the working conditions are very bad company, is a company that says not to receive profits, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, but the workers are arriving every day as more jobs for the state, ie the company won tenders also have a faithful clientele of footwear such as gloves, also made for the underground internet job etc., the company apparently does not live any kind of crisis as we are led to believe the managers, every year more workers watch as the administrative plant increases, and its time the luxuries of those found in tip of the organizational pyramid company, with new cars and so on. However
sinverguenzura the company does not stop there, also act as anti-union practices that staff hired days before the strike, which selo leaders have informed the labor inspectorate, an important issue is the safety of workers, although the company complies with basic standards such as gloves, earrings etc., 94 year a worker died in that made by a "work accident", the most common accidents are burns, amputations of fingers and hands, although there is a preventionists Risk this step to be full time for several months, since former only went to the factory for two weeks and ends. In relation to this safety issue should be noted that persons hired as strikebreakers, they have the skills needed to operate the machines. The oldest who are working have 4 to 5 months., Others were recruited 10 days before the strike, in that sense do not have a certificate of competence, leaving them vulnerable to any kind of accident, not having the knowledge or expertise.
The request of workers consists of 28 points that seeks to level the bond conditions while avoiding the company's reduced by half, for example resetting the bonus of 180 thousand pesos, debase 90, the bonds are unequal, for many their locomotion bonus of 5 thousand pesos while for the newest is 40 thousand, it has to do with what is salary impossible, to raise the bonus to locomotion new fluid appears to be increasing salaries, however the tax is less, plus school bonds are miserable, are basic for 7 thousand pesos while for higher than 53 thousand, also speaks of tuition vouchers for 100% yet in the fine print say it is up to a maximum of 50 thousand pesos, without a doubt one sinverguenzura and a mockery of the company towards its workers.
Salary conditions are also unfavorable, for example a person who has 20 years in the company earns 240 thousand pesos, while a manager earns 200 to 300,000 pesos a day, a clear example of inequality that exists in this country. For the company
negotiation is just a productivity bonus, their workers are less valuable than the machinery 'have since be replaced, therefore we use many tricks to deceive the workers and the strike evitr until 31 have not been sitting talking.
many workers remain in this company because of its proximity, as they have to go downtown to work or another municipality, also the average age of workers 40 to 50 years, although young people are mostly persons "advanced age" for other companies that are hiring.
Yet the mood is, workers as demonstrated by this strike has become a strength, on the one hand workers who must continue to jar, and another company that is producing 10% of all depends on support This strike, if you are from High Bridge support them with money when you see them in the center. Not rule out demonstrations and protests may take place in the community and other strategic locations.


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