Saturday, January 15, 2011

Does Selina Gomez Masterbate

No. 3 Workers Striking Industrial SA Company Papers No. 2

Communiqué No. 3

A public opinion

The 195 workers involved in the process of collective bargaining Union No. 2, Industrial Workers of papers have come to the seventeenth day of the strike legal.

During this period we have taken various actions to achieve our goals, including the attempt to position our demands through the media despite the blockade that we have had communications from traditional media, which not coincidentally are in the hands owners of the country, we have also been present in the Plaza of the Constitution and in the vicinity of the Currency on two occasions, where we demonstrated our state organization and unity. On the other hand, we have maintained active in the presence of workers on strike at the main entrance of the company, just down the intensity of mobilization to prove with facts our disposal to resume dialogue at the negotiating table.

On the other hand, this week the Labor Department began a mediation of trade that could not come to fruition because, although the company agreed to meet with the union, only performed a monologue which recognizes that the relationship between company and union is completely broken, because the wound made by the strike is too large and the losses are huge. This being the only thing the company can show all events occurred, with no intention by the board to solve the problem and reach a consensus that can give solution to this conflict, closing in unilateral positions, which were evident early on in trying to impose a collective agreement proposal for little benefit PISA workers.

For these reasons we feel obliged to bring to light the difficulties we have encountered to restore dialogue and reach an agreement with the company. In this way we publish the complaint of poor and unethical practices by the company, as is the achievement of replacement personnel skilled jobs without experience leading to a high risk that the integrity of the workers who are inside the plant, also covered in the rules, have given effect to the call for union workers to fall from the strike by offering higher wages and bonuses , being that this action is clearly condemned in the international agreements signed by the country, knowing that part of the company's shares belong to the Swedish Svenska Cellulose Aktiebolaget transnational (SCA). Finally, the non-compliance by the company's previous collective agreement where the thirteenth bonus payment must be made within two weeks of the first month of the year, average of the bonuses earned during the previous year.

know that these measures have no other aim to demoralize the workers on strike, but we know this decision we made together as an assembly of workers is, and our only way to counteract the immorality of the entrepreneur is to more unity and organization. Historically we have organized workers to fight for our rights and improve our quality of life. Nobody ever gave us anything. Everything has been conquered by the organization.

Our sacrifice as workers has always been the same, sacrificing holidays, doing hours of overtime, leaving aside our families, staying most of the day in our workplace, they do not care about our quality of life, we are just another number, and arrival time to spread the gains and improvements to ask them really show what your interest, is to earn more money at the sacrifice of the workers.

If this situation got to this point, we are only responsible for the rights and ensure a decent living for workers. A consequence of this, we have been selfish, extending the benefits that with effort and sacrifice, unionized workers have achieved over recent years. Our cause is just, and will go forward because the conviction each of the striking workers will keep getting stronger, knowing that our struggle is for the welfare of our families and our children's future, we will more united and organized to achieve our goal. Finally

solidarity with workers' organizations that are now on strike, fighting for fair wages, dignity and a better future for themselves and their families. Before this we appeal to the unity of all workers, joining forces to face the uncertain future that is coming.

We also present our full support and solidarity to the people of the Magallanes region have given an example of dignity and unity to the arbitrary measures imposed by the government only cares about improving conditions for entrepreneurs at the expense of workers.

Our strength is unity

We believe that our struggle is just and legitimate

United and organized, the strike continues


Contact: 78545821 Mobile


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