Friday, January 21, 2011

How Much Is A Moncler

Montserrat Supermarkets Union Reaches Agreement with the company working in supermarkets Montserrat

On Wednesday, 19 there was a series of demonstrations in different supermarkets Montserrat organized by "National Union Inter-company" in demand for better working conditions. The mobilization, which reached Plaza de Armas, was conducted in order to obtain wage increases and for a debt owed to the supermarket workers since 2007. Mobilization achieved

paralyze business on Wednesday and Thursday in the supermarket and negotiation with the company lasted until 4 in the morning on Friday.

Maria Valderrama, Montserrat supermarket representative in the National Union Inter-Company indicates that filed a complaint with the Labour Inspectorate anti-union practices by the administration of the supermarket. According

Valderrama, another labor organization within Montserrat, the 'Union of Montserrat' , which is the company line. One topic that causes discomfort for your organization is that the benefits gained by the Union Inter-company themselves are distributed to members of another union, a fact that does not happen in reverse and that's what triggered protest.
addition, the leader reported that on Wednesday there was mistreatment by police after their demonstrations at the premises of Irarrázabal, Hill and Chacabuco.

Today (Friday 21) workers were returned to work, since the negotiations bore fruit and achieved a 10% increase in their wages and company representatives agreed to the debt that has persisted since 2007, be paid.

Gustavo Vargas Peralta
The Citizen /


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