Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Will Cause Me To Miscarriage



U $ S 13,000


ROUTE 75 KM. 33,500


3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen,

Tel: 2288 15 68
Cell: 094 736 928
Email: @ estudio.ccpropiedades

What Will Cause Me To Miscarriage



U $ S 13,000


ROUTE 75 KM. 33,500


3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen,

Tel: 2288 15 68
Cell: 094 736 928
Email: @ estudio.ccpropiedades

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gay Bird Watching Clip

The end of the strike from fellow Blasmar

few weeks ago we reported on the battle over the issue of the strike by workers at the commune blasmar high bridge from on 13 December that these colleagues made the strike in search of better wages in an enterprise that we call attention to exploiting almost cartoonish features, peer Christmas and new year went on strike, asking for coins on the street tar, with that were able to feed their families while the strike lasted.
over weeks and play a lot of doors where several closed it in the face, was the case of deputy "socialist" by the municipality of Puente Alto Osvaldo Andrade red tape which these workers who wanted to meet him, it is striking that the only authority to hear this fellow was the mayor of High Bridge, which intervened as a mediator between the company and the workers, obviously because it has an image to watch, despite the fence communication blasmar strike was notorious for the people of the Cordillera province that walk the center of the district will either take the subway ..
After this mediation the company offered a productivity bonus, which the workers rejected to be unrealistic, at that time had already been one month on strike, the company also had not gone to mediation in labor inspection, but a couple of days later they did and were generated near the dialogue, it was Friday, weekend workers and their families talked about the latest proposals for the company and the proposal consulted on the bases, was held a meeting on Monday, January 17, meeting that lasted until the morning of Tuesday 18 was discussed, was discussed and analyzed the company's latest proposal and a vote, the workers accepted, being more or less happy with what has been done and carefully weighed what they could win on, more days of strike and what could be lost .. On Friday 21
went to talk with colleagues in the yields that they were renting near the factory, there we explained what had happened, also were organizing the distribution of the Christmas box, which in this case is a sack, used to the home, this is generated annual savings of members, should have been delivered in December but the circumstances of the strike was delaying delivery.
talked with the leaders, which we explained the achievements of the negotiations and thanked all who supported the strike.
With the completion of this strike plays a first job and dissemination support the trade union movement in this new phase of the battle, where we position ourselves as the means of spreading the problems of workers. Health

Gay Bird Watching Clip

The end of the strike from fellow Blasmar

few weeks ago we reported on the battle over the issue of the strike by workers at the commune blasmar high bridge from on 13 December that these colleagues made the strike in search of better wages in an enterprise that we call attention to exploiting almost cartoonish features, peer Christmas and new year went on strike, asking for coins on the street tar, with that were able to feed their families while the strike lasted.
over weeks and play a lot of doors where several closed it in the face, was the case of deputy "socialist" by the municipality of Puente Alto Osvaldo Andrade red tape which these workers who wanted to meet him, it is striking that the only authority to hear this fellow was the mayor of High Bridge, which intervened as a mediator between the company and the workers, obviously because it has an image to watch, despite the fence communication blasmar strike was notorious for the people of the Cordillera province that walk the center of the district will either take the subway ..
After this mediation the company offered a productivity bonus, which the workers rejected to be unrealistic, at that time had already been one month on strike, the company also had not gone to mediation in labor inspection, but a couple of days later they did and were generated near the dialogue, it was Friday, weekend workers and their families talked about the latest proposals for the company and the proposal consulted on the bases, was held a meeting on Monday, January 17, meeting that lasted until the morning of Tuesday 18 was discussed, was discussed and analyzed the company's latest proposal and a vote, the workers accepted, being more or less happy with what has been done and carefully weighed what they could win on, more days of strike and what could be lost .. On Friday 21
went to talk with colleagues in the yields that they were renting near the factory, there we explained what had happened, also were organizing the distribution of the Christmas box, which in this case is a sack, used to the home, this is generated annual savings of members, should have been delivered in December but the circumstances of the strike was delaying delivery.
talked with the leaders, which we explained the achievements of the negotiations and thanked all who supported the strike.
With the completion of this strike plays a first job and dissemination support the trade union movement in this new phase of the battle, where we position ourselves as the means of spreading the problems of workers. Health

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Is Medium Width Shoes

The end of the Montserrat strike by the union view

This Friday ended the strike by the union existed Inter Montserrat supermarket, the organization and the manifestations seen in this negotiation process are unprecedented in supermarkets Montserrat, which genre that this tough fight given to this union, by way of its leaders, "the better collective contract in the history of Montserrat "..

The following is a message that the union sent us one of the mails of battle

!!... Dear friends and colleagues to inform you that grocery workers have ended a strike Montserrat Legal Friday January 21, 2011, signing the best collective agreements in the history of Montserrat, we are very tired but very happy because we have shown that workers united and organized, we can achieve great !!... thank you very much to all for their support, a brotherly hug .. VIVA CHILE Y


Union president Vicky Bravo

National Union Inter-D & S and other

EXPIRED !!!!!!! Only

fighting and intelligence determined due !!!!!!!

Long live forever Montserrat Strikers 2011!!

forever Long live the brave people of Magellan!!

Despite: the Department of Labor Employer, the new "Employer Justice", Press Patron, Patron Police Forces, the company sold leaders who tried to break the strike, workers and toadies opportunistic of the company that said they would lose as many strikes and would not get anything as big overcame !!!!!!!.

The Labor Department did not rule on anti-union practices and upheld the objection of 344 workers to have collective agreement in force, although he negotiated the company union, the company did not object to those who were in the same situation. Moreover, the failure of the Employer's address out quickies, as emerging from the printers in the company, who knows what kind of incentive. We never even received the Principal Employer, to talk about the Minister of Labour. Let us not miss a thing. To tell the mediator Directorate of Labour? who wanted to intimidate the leaders saying that the strike was lost !!!!. The new Justice

Employers, dared not grant an injunction, because basically does not believe in freedom of association and is afraid of damaging the company, given argument to leave the issue of discrimination for final decision and do not give as injunction.

leaders Vilches, Olguin Diaz, along with the yellow union companies, do not ever forget. Hidden walk, eyes glued to the ground and cheek flushed, they fear the company workers, in the distance you hear the echo of the song comes and goes more sense of The Inter not strike Sell!.

They justified their betrayal by saying we were crazy people who never get to negotiate with all employees in a single contract, which had to accept the offer of the company, which hide now? The problem I have with the cowards who followed and earned less than half of those who gave the fight. We signed a contract with all employees, including all objects and which benefited all workers !!!!!

Workers claimed more to break the strike, which mocked the striking workers, who will say this morning, when strikers get to work all-day strike today paid by the company, without borrowing or any gadget, the strike days are paid by the company. What will be the expression on their faces when they see the end of month settlement of workers, increasing real Remunerated total of 18%, including real wage increase of 10% and the increase of the bonus which implies an increase compensation of 5% bonuses and perks Balance reassessments involving an actual monthly increase ranging between 3% and 5%. But unfortunately for them it was agreed that these benefits only apply to inter-enterprise union partners, and may not be extended to other workers, WAGE INCREASE MORE IMPORTANT IN THE HISTORY OF MONTSERRAT AND ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THE HISTORY OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING IN SUPERMARKETS.

The Police or the Police Employer could not keep this out! Strike with power !!!!, Local workers strike at 7 days were taken 7 Local Montserrat. This was a strike in Europe, with pickets, making business and a stake in the strike, which fluctuated between 80 and 100% of all workers. The workers challenged, that they should work, as we work towards go-slow and out of turn, they joined the protests and local outlets.

La Prensa Employers are not even referred to this strike, their characteristics and achievements, without a doubt the most successful of recent years. Gone was the bitter pill of public sector negotiations, pharmacies and others smoked so much, we all hurt. The 2011 starts with two important victories for workers, the town of Magallanes and the workers of Montserrat, good omens for this year !!!!!. Both showed that only determined and serious fighting are obtained great achievements!.

517 workers united, determined, disciplined and willing to exercise each of their labor rights, the union leader's dream and labor lawyer come true. It is time for celebration and cocecha and gratitude to all workers and the majority of police who refused to suppress, the union not being supported us generously, to professionals, photographers and families of the strikers, who supported them in this risky adventure.

hope that these two victories of the people of Magellan and the strikers of Montserrat, serve as an example, an incentive for all Chileans, for the people of Chile, still asleep, but I have no doubt wake up soon, there are indications , as lawyers say, that miracle could happen.

My real dream is that one day together with all workers and people of chile OVERCOME!.


What Is Medium Width Shoes

The end of the Montserrat strike by the union view

This Friday ended the strike by the union existed Inter Montserrat supermarket, the organization and the manifestations seen in this negotiation process are unprecedented in supermarkets Montserrat, which genre that this tough fight given to this union, by way of its leaders, "the better collective contract in the history of Montserrat "..

The following is a message that the union sent us one of the mails of battle

!!... Dear friends and colleagues to inform you that grocery workers have ended a strike Montserrat Legal Friday January 21, 2011, signing the best collective agreements in the history of Montserrat, we are very tired but very happy because we have shown that workers united and organized, we can achieve great !!... thank you very much to all for their support, a brotherly hug .. VIVA CHILE Y


Union president Vicky Bravo

National Union Inter-D & S and other

EXPIRED !!!!!!! Only

fighting and intelligence determined due !!!!!!!

Long live forever Montserrat Strikers 2011!!

forever Long live the brave people of Magellan!!

Despite: the Department of Labor Employer, the new "Employer Justice", Press Patron, Patron Police Forces, the company sold leaders who tried to break the strike, workers and toadies opportunistic of the company that said they would lose as many strikes and would not get anything as big overcame !!!!!!!.

The Labor Department did not rule on anti-union practices and upheld the objection of 344 workers to have collective agreement in force, although he negotiated the company union, the company did not object to those who were in the same situation. Moreover, the failure of the Employer's address out quickies, as emerging from the printers in the company, who knows what kind of incentive. We never even received the Principal Employer, to talk about the Minister of Labour. Let us not miss a thing. To tell the mediator Directorate of Labour? who wanted to intimidate the leaders saying that the strike was lost !!!!. The new Justice

Employers, dared not grant an injunction, because basically does not believe in freedom of association and is afraid of damaging the company, given argument to leave the issue of discrimination for final decision and do not give as injunction.

leaders Vilches, Olguin Diaz, along with the yellow union companies, do not ever forget. Hidden walk, eyes glued to the ground and cheek flushed, they fear the company workers, in the distance you hear the echo of the song comes and goes more sense of The Inter not strike Sell!.

They justified their betrayal by saying we were crazy people who never get to negotiate with all employees in a single contract, which had to accept the offer of the company, which hide now? The problem I have with the cowards who followed and earned less than half of those who gave the fight. We signed a contract with all employees, including all objects and which benefited all workers !!!!!

Workers claimed more to break the strike, which mocked the striking workers, who will say this morning, when strikers get to work all-day strike today paid by the company, without borrowing or any gadget, the strike days are paid by the company. What will be the expression on their faces when they see the end of month settlement of workers, increasing real Remunerated total of 18%, including real wage increase of 10% and the increase of the bonus which implies an increase compensation of 5% bonuses and perks Balance reassessments involving an actual monthly increase ranging between 3% and 5%. But unfortunately for them it was agreed that these benefits only apply to inter-enterprise union partners, and may not be extended to other workers, WAGE INCREASE MORE IMPORTANT IN THE HISTORY OF MONTSERRAT AND ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THE HISTORY OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING IN SUPERMARKETS.

The Police or the Police Employer could not keep this out! Strike with power !!!!, Local workers strike at 7 days were taken 7 Local Montserrat. This was a strike in Europe, with pickets, making business and a stake in the strike, which fluctuated between 80 and 100% of all workers. The workers challenged, that they should work, as we work towards go-slow and out of turn, they joined the protests and local outlets.

La Prensa Employers are not even referred to this strike, their characteristics and achievements, without a doubt the most successful of recent years. Gone was the bitter pill of public sector negotiations, pharmacies and others smoked so much, we all hurt. The 2011 starts with two important victories for workers, the town of Magallanes and the workers of Montserrat, good omens for this year !!!!!. Both showed that only determined and serious fighting are obtained great achievements!.

517 workers united, determined, disciplined and willing to exercise each of their labor rights, the union leader's dream and labor lawyer come true. It is time for celebration and cocecha and gratitude to all workers and the majority of police who refused to suppress, the union not being supported us generously, to professionals, photographers and families of the strikers, who supported them in this risky adventure.

hope that these two victories of the people of Magellan and the strikers of Montserrat, serve as an example, an incentive for all Chileans, for the people of Chile, still asleep, but I have no doubt wake up soon, there are indications , as lawyers say, that miracle could happen.

My real dream is that one day together with all workers and people of chile OVERCOME!.


How Much Is A Moncler

Montserrat Supermarkets Union Reaches Agreement with the company working in supermarkets Montserrat

On Wednesday, 19 there was a series of demonstrations in different supermarkets Montserrat organized by "National Union Inter-company" in demand for better working conditions. The mobilization, which reached Plaza de Armas, was conducted in order to obtain wage increases and for a debt owed to the supermarket workers since 2007. Mobilization achieved

paralyze business on Wednesday and Thursday in the supermarket and negotiation with the company lasted until 4 in the morning on Friday.

Maria Valderrama, Montserrat supermarket representative in the National Union Inter-Company indicates that filed a complaint with the Labour Inspectorate anti-union practices by the administration of the supermarket. According

Valderrama, another labor organization within Montserrat, the 'Union of Montserrat' , which is the company line. One topic that causes discomfort for your organization is that the benefits gained by the Union Inter-company themselves are distributed to members of another union, a fact that does not happen in reverse and that's what triggered protest.
addition, the leader reported that on Wednesday there was mistreatment by police after their demonstrations at the premises of Irarrázabal, Hill and Chacabuco.

Today (Friday 21) workers were returned to work, since the negotiations bore fruit and achieved a 10% increase in their wages and company representatives agreed to the debt that has persisted since 2007, be paid.

Gustavo Vargas Peralta
The Citizen /

How Much Is A Moncler

Montserrat Supermarkets Union Reaches Agreement with the company working in supermarkets Montserrat

On Wednesday, 19 there was a series of demonstrations in different supermarkets Montserrat organized by "National Union Inter-company" in demand for better working conditions. The mobilization, which reached Plaza de Armas, was conducted in order to obtain wage increases and for a debt owed to the supermarket workers since 2007. Mobilization achieved

paralyze business on Wednesday and Thursday in the supermarket and negotiation with the company lasted until 4 in the morning on Friday.

Maria Valderrama, Montserrat supermarket representative in the National Union Inter-Company indicates that filed a complaint with the Labour Inspectorate anti-union practices by the administration of the supermarket. According

Valderrama, another labor organization within Montserrat, the 'Union of Montserrat' , which is the company line. One topic that causes discomfort for your organization is that the benefits gained by the Union Inter-company themselves are distributed to members of another union, a fact that does not happen in reverse and that's what triggered protest.
addition, the leader reported that on Wednesday there was mistreatment by police after their demonstrations at the premises of Irarrázabal, Hill and Chacabuco.

Today (Friday 21) workers were returned to work, since the negotiations bore fruit and achieved a 10% increase in their wages and company representatives agreed to the debt that has persisted since 2007, be paid.

Gustavo Vargas Peralta
The Citizen /

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are There Any Bmx Stores In Lake Tahoe

From January 12th Montserrat grocery workers are on strike after the company's unwillingness to respond to the demands of improving the low wages, working conditions, perks and mobilization. Hold demonstrations in the various local supermarket workers hope to make their voices heard and to realize their just demands.
Source: Journal
We are working to expand the information
Meanwhile ... I leave this video ...
Atte. Battle

Are There Any Bmx Stores In Lake Tahoe

From January 12th Montserrat grocery workers are on strike after the company's unwillingness to respond to the demands of improving the low wages, working conditions, perks and mobilization. Hold demonstrations in the various local supermarket workers hope to make their voices heard and to realize their just demands.
Source: Journal
We are working to expand the information
Meanwhile ... I leave this video ...
Atte. Battle

Sunday, January 16, 2011

29 Weeks Pregnant Alot Of Pressure

Strike A month goes Partners of Blasmar continue with the same force as the first day of release

A month began legal strike by workers of the company Blasmar high bridge, the response from the company have not changed much, a week ago workers met with the Mayor of the commune on which she was to act as a kind of intermediary between workers and management, without supporting either (he must be politically correct), last Tuesday, 12 January, again workers meet with the Mayor and this I present the proposal that sent the company, consisting of a productivity bonus, that the 'practice is unrealistic because Company productivity is variable, and may have months that the company does not produce as much as it stipulates that Bono, or produced by the bond, which only 'lose workers because it said the bonus as a partner is a "CHANTASIA", gave a fictitious liquidation clear that bond where it looked attractive but the bonus is unrealistic.
Tuesday that mediation had a work address where the Company did not attend .. Then on Thursday at 6 pm had no mediation, this time the company attended and generated approaches, but the company rejected several points, the struggle continues but is being prompt settlement.
Despite having a month goes the spirit and dignity of workers is as high as Blasmar the first day, talking with colleagues also told us about this company lawyer, who had tried to drug and alcohol workers, with a phrase that said "not that much demand, we should thank them work if they are a bunch of alcoholics and drug addicts" (a phrase uttered by the lawyer as witness), these workers reacted with anger, as they tried to insult, one of the co striking militant oldest and referred to the lawyer: " He noted, at a meeting of union leaders, workers-we-we were drunks, drug addicts and thieves. In the first place I must state that this "professional liar" and cheap insults ... not going with us. As workers, Don Jose Antonio, with poorly-paid work-a achieved a great heritage that is now in the High Bridge plant. If we were thieves, little or nothing would have made this "company of lies" and exploit their workers. Personally, I think that "the said" this "low-riding little lawyer", the title was bought at the Persian market. And that his disqualification against us, would give grounds for thinking, As I explain in this publication. There is a wise biblical phrase that says, "you will know them by their works."
workers also call for Altina Bridge community to support its joint currency in order to continue to resist in this strike which everyone expects to reach fruition.

29 Weeks Pregnant Alot Of Pressure

Strike A month goes Partners of Blasmar continue with the same force as the first day of release

A month began legal strike by workers of the company Blasmar high bridge, the response from the company have not changed much, a week ago workers met with the Mayor of the commune on which she was to act as a kind of intermediary between workers and management, without supporting either (he must be politically correct), last Tuesday, 12 January, again workers meet with the Mayor and this I present the proposal that sent the company, consisting of a productivity bonus, that the 'practice is unrealistic because Company productivity is variable, and may have months that the company does not produce as much as it stipulates that Bono, or produced by the bond, which only 'lose workers because it said the bonus as a partner is a "CHANTASIA", gave a fictitious liquidation clear that bond where it looked attractive but the bonus is unrealistic.
Tuesday that mediation had a work address where the Company did not attend .. Then on Thursday at 6 pm had no mediation, this time the company attended and generated approaches, but the company rejected several points, the struggle continues but is being prompt settlement.
Despite having a month goes the spirit and dignity of workers is as high as Blasmar the first day, talking with colleagues also told us about this company lawyer, who had tried to drug and alcohol workers, with a phrase that said "not that much demand, we should thank them work if they are a bunch of alcoholics and drug addicts" (a phrase uttered by the lawyer as witness), these workers reacted with anger, as they tried to insult, one of the co striking militant oldest and referred to the lawyer: " He noted, at a meeting of union leaders, workers-we-we were drunks, drug addicts and thieves. In the first place I must state that this "professional liar" and cheap insults ... not going with us. As workers, Don Jose Antonio, with poorly-paid work-a achieved a great heritage that is now in the High Bridge plant. If we were thieves, little or nothing would have made this "company of lies" and exploit their workers. Personally, I think that "the said" this "low-riding little lawyer", the title was bought at the Persian market. And that his disqualification against us, would give grounds for thinking, As I explain in this publication. There is a wise biblical phrase that says, "you will know them by their works."
workers also call for Altina Bridge community to support its joint currency in order to continue to resist in this strike which everyone expects to reach fruition.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Does Selina Gomez Masterbate

No. 3 Workers Striking Industrial SA Company Papers No. 2

Communiqué No. 3

A public opinion

The 195 workers involved in the process of collective bargaining Union No. 2, Industrial Workers of papers have come to the seventeenth day of the strike legal.

During this period we have taken various actions to achieve our goals, including the attempt to position our demands through the media despite the blockade that we have had communications from traditional media, which not coincidentally are in the hands owners of the country, we have also been present in the Plaza of the Constitution and in the vicinity of the Currency on two occasions, where we demonstrated our state organization and unity. On the other hand, we have maintained active in the presence of workers on strike at the main entrance of the company, just down the intensity of mobilization to prove with facts our disposal to resume dialogue at the negotiating table.

On the other hand, this week the Labor Department began a mediation of trade that could not come to fruition because, although the company agreed to meet with the union, only performed a monologue which recognizes that the relationship between company and union is completely broken, because the wound made by the strike is too large and the losses are huge. This being the only thing the company can show all events occurred, with no intention by the board to solve the problem and reach a consensus that can give solution to this conflict, closing in unilateral positions, which were evident early on in trying to impose a collective agreement proposal for little benefit PISA workers.

For these reasons we feel obliged to bring to light the difficulties we have encountered to restore dialogue and reach an agreement with the company. In this way we publish the complaint of poor and unethical practices by the company, as is the achievement of replacement personnel skilled jobs without experience leading to a high risk that the integrity of the workers who are inside the plant, also covered in the rules, have given effect to the call for union workers to fall from the strike by offering higher wages and bonuses , being that this action is clearly condemned in the international agreements signed by the country, knowing that part of the company's shares belong to the Swedish Svenska Cellulose Aktiebolaget transnational (SCA). Finally, the non-compliance by the company's previous collective agreement where the thirteenth bonus payment must be made within two weeks of the first month of the year, average of the bonuses earned during the previous year.

know that these measures have no other aim to demoralize the workers on strike, but we know this decision we made together as an assembly of workers is, and our only way to counteract the immorality of the entrepreneur is to more unity and organization. Historically we have organized workers to fight for our rights and improve our quality of life. Nobody ever gave us anything. Everything has been conquered by the organization.

Our sacrifice as workers has always been the same, sacrificing holidays, doing hours of overtime, leaving aside our families, staying most of the day in our workplace, they do not care about our quality of life, we are just another number, and arrival time to spread the gains and improvements to ask them really show what your interest, is to earn more money at the sacrifice of the workers.

If this situation got to this point, we are only responsible for the rights and ensure a decent living for workers. A consequence of this, we have been selfish, extending the benefits that with effort and sacrifice, unionized workers have achieved over recent years. Our cause is just, and will go forward because the conviction each of the striking workers will keep getting stronger, knowing that our struggle is for the welfare of our families and our children's future, we will more united and organized to achieve our goal. Finally

solidarity with workers' organizations that are now on strike, fighting for fair wages, dignity and a better future for themselves and their families. Before this we appeal to the unity of all workers, joining forces to face the uncertain future that is coming.

We also present our full support and solidarity to the people of the Magallanes region have given an example of dignity and unity to the arbitrary measures imposed by the government only cares about improving conditions for entrepreneurs at the expense of workers.

Our strength is unity

We believe that our struggle is just and legitimate

United and organized, the strike continues


Contact: 78545821 Mobile

Does Selina Gomez Masterbate

No. 3 Workers Striking Industrial SA Company Papers No. 2

Communiqué No. 3

A public opinion

The 195 workers involved in the process of collective bargaining Union No. 2, Industrial Workers of papers have come to the seventeenth day of the strike legal.

During this period we have taken various actions to achieve our goals, including the attempt to position our demands through the media despite the blockade that we have had communications from traditional media, which not coincidentally are in the hands owners of the country, we have also been present in the Plaza of the Constitution and in the vicinity of the Currency on two occasions, where we demonstrated our state organization and unity. On the other hand, we have maintained active in the presence of workers on strike at the main entrance of the company, just down the intensity of mobilization to prove with facts our disposal to resume dialogue at the negotiating table.

On the other hand, this week the Labor Department began a mediation of trade that could not come to fruition because, although the company agreed to meet with the union, only performed a monologue which recognizes that the relationship between company and union is completely broken, because the wound made by the strike is too large and the losses are huge. This being the only thing the company can show all events occurred, with no intention by the board to solve the problem and reach a consensus that can give solution to this conflict, closing in unilateral positions, which were evident early on in trying to impose a collective agreement proposal for little benefit PISA workers.

For these reasons we feel obliged to bring to light the difficulties we have encountered to restore dialogue and reach an agreement with the company. In this way we publish the complaint of poor and unethical practices by the company, as is the achievement of replacement personnel skilled jobs without experience leading to a high risk that the integrity of the workers who are inside the plant, also covered in the rules, have given effect to the call for union workers to fall from the strike by offering higher wages and bonuses , being that this action is clearly condemned in the international agreements signed by the country, knowing that part of the company's shares belong to the Swedish Svenska Cellulose Aktiebolaget transnational (SCA). Finally, the non-compliance by the company's previous collective agreement where the thirteenth bonus payment must be made within two weeks of the first month of the year, average of the bonuses earned during the previous year.

know that these measures have no other aim to demoralize the workers on strike, but we know this decision we made together as an assembly of workers is, and our only way to counteract the immorality of the entrepreneur is to more unity and organization. Historically we have organized workers to fight for our rights and improve our quality of life. Nobody ever gave us anything. Everything has been conquered by the organization.

Our sacrifice as workers has always been the same, sacrificing holidays, doing hours of overtime, leaving aside our families, staying most of the day in our workplace, they do not care about our quality of life, we are just another number, and arrival time to spread the gains and improvements to ask them really show what your interest, is to earn more money at the sacrifice of the workers.

If this situation got to this point, we are only responsible for the rights and ensure a decent living for workers. A consequence of this, we have been selfish, extending the benefits that with effort and sacrifice, unionized workers have achieved over recent years. Our cause is just, and will go forward because the conviction each of the striking workers will keep getting stronger, knowing that our struggle is for the welfare of our families and our children's future, we will more united and organized to achieve our goal. Finally

solidarity with workers' organizations that are now on strike, fighting for fair wages, dignity and a better future for themselves and their families. Before this we appeal to the unity of all workers, joining forces to face the uncertain future that is coming.

We also present our full support and solidarity to the people of the Magallanes region have given an example of dignity and unity to the arbitrary measures imposed by the government only cares about improving conditions for entrepreneurs at the expense of workers.

Our strength is unity

We believe that our struggle is just and legitimate

United and organized, the strike continues


Contact: 78545821 Mobile

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Main Duties President

Press Workers on strike at the SA Industrial Paper Company Strike

A public opinion

Nine days into the strike legal, the situation remains the same way we started this fight by trying to protect our dignity as workers, not letting entrepreneurial capitalism imposing its rules and dictate how we live, trying to ignore the existence of a worker not only based on the wearing of a bread home, but in giving the opportunity to have a decent living and happy.

As workers we have advanced and evolved, we view and projections, as workers have dreams and goals, to claim that our children and families have a better future with more opportunities to grow and develop freely and equally.

This implies that to achieve these dreams, as workers need not conform with the miserable view of a businessman, which requires income to live on the grounds that we just have to adjust it for what it says market research, knowing that to survive in this society the increasing costs are higher and wages remain the same. Partners

today we are more firm and united at the beginning of this strike, knowing that our scenario is more adverse, perhaps, than many workers in the country, because our struggle is not only against a business group, but is also against the government of employees, which this time clearly demonstrated by putting all their influences against our struggle, so that the day of the rally in downtown Santiago just a few mostly independent and alternative media, came interested in the news. On the other hand we were visited by the high plane of the Directorate of Labour, but it did not intend that this conflict came to a quick solution, but that their goal was to protect the interests of colleagues and partners in government, trying to raise awareness and confuse employees.

Because workers are the ones who actually produce the wealth in this society and therefore we have every right to live in better conditions than we are now condemned to corporate abuse. We know that with our strength and unity we can defend our rights.

demonstrate through hard work, unity, organization and intelligence to the business class and government employers that we do not give.



http://sindicatopisa. contact
cel. 78545821

Main Duties President

Press Workers on strike at the SA Industrial Paper Company Strike

A public opinion

Nine days into the strike legal, the situation remains the same way we started this fight by trying to protect our dignity as workers, not letting entrepreneurial capitalism imposing its rules and dictate how we live, trying to ignore the existence of a worker not only based on the wearing of a bread home, but in giving the opportunity to have a decent living and happy.

As workers we have advanced and evolved, we view and projections, as workers have dreams and goals, to claim that our children and families have a better future with more opportunities to grow and develop freely and equally.

This implies that to achieve these dreams, as workers need not conform with the miserable view of a businessman, which requires income to live on the grounds that we just have to adjust it for what it says market research, knowing that to survive in this society the increasing costs are higher and wages remain the same. Partners

today we are more firm and united at the beginning of this strike, knowing that our scenario is more adverse, perhaps, than many workers in the country, because our struggle is not only against a business group, but is also against the government of employees, which this time clearly demonstrated by putting all their influences against our struggle, so that the day of the rally in downtown Santiago just a few mostly independent and alternative media, came interested in the news. On the other hand we were visited by the high plane of the Directorate of Labour, but it did not intend that this conflict came to a quick solution, but that their goal was to protect the interests of colleagues and partners in government, trying to raise awareness and confuse employees.

Because workers are the ones who actually produce the wealth in this society and therefore we have every right to live in better conditions than we are now condemned to corporate abuse. We know that with our strength and unity we can defend our rights.

demonstrate through hard work, unity, organization and intelligence to the business class and government employers that we do not give.



http://sindicatopisa. contact
cel. 78545821

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Do I De-pixelate My Movie?

Roger Keith Barrett, 65 years after 2010

Those who know me know how much I like Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett, beyond his music was the time and manner in which the created. I'm talking about 1964, when he was 18 years and influenced by American jazz and blues band like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, the painter made musician was able to recreate their visions into outer music that broke with all that had been done.

All those visions of Syd in the band planned to begin in 1965 with Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason, Bob Klose, the latter were abandoned a year later. This band, which named THE PINK FLOYD Syd after joining the names of blues musicians American Pink Anderson and Floyd Council, would start taking advantage of the musical and artistic genius of Syd, getting the audience love bohemian London and thereby generate a sound that helped them gain respect.

Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd

What Syd would develop so fast, the point of wanting to enrich it with drugs (especially LSD) exposing a dark world that could never leave. If anything could help hallucinogens was projecting his ideas in an incredible way of albums such as The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (first album of Pink Floyd Syd and the only one listed as the main songwriter) and discs of Syd as soloist.

Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd

Syd collapsed into drugs, but this did not prevent his legacy resist the weather. Pink Floyd Syd never denied that exerted an enormous influence on what they did and each disc is greatly felt the point of being part of the concept of several of his songs and albums. In his solo productions also helped define the psychedelic folk and made it a musical influence for hundreds of musicians worldwide. With respect to Pink Floyd, defined the psychedelic London and made reference these avant garde of the time. He managed to build a style that was growing increasingly clear that a year later define as progressive rock.

Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd

Define the lake of this type will not fit in this post, but I wanted to get at is that those who have not had the chance to listen visit Youtube and search on it, they will realize that I am right to hear and admire such form. His music is immense and his legacy will be eternal. At 65 years of his birth are still thousands who keep his legacy intact and growing.

Citing his song Vegetable Man:

It's What I wear, it's What you see, it Must be me, it's what i am, Vegetable man

How Do I De-pixelate My Movie?

Roger Keith Barrett, 65 years after 2010

Those who know me know how much I like Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett, beyond his music was the time and manner in which the created. I'm talking about 1964, when he was 18 years and influenced by American jazz and blues band like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, the painter made musician was able to recreate their visions into outer music that broke with all that had been done.

All those visions of Syd in the band planned to begin in 1965 with Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason, Bob Klose, the latter were abandoned a year later. This band, which named THE PINK FLOYD Syd after joining the names of blues musicians American Pink Anderson and Floyd Council, would start taking advantage of the musical and artistic genius of Syd, getting the audience love bohemian London and thereby generate a sound that helped them gain respect.

Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd

What Syd would develop so fast, the point of wanting to enrich it with drugs (especially LSD) exposing a dark world that could never leave. If anything could help hallucinogens was projecting his ideas in an incredible way of albums such as The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (first album of Pink Floyd Syd and the only one listed as the main songwriter) and discs of Syd as soloist.

Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd

Syd collapsed into drugs, but this did not prevent his legacy resist the weather. Pink Floyd Syd never denied that exerted an enormous influence on what they did and each disc is greatly felt the point of being part of the concept of several of his songs and albums. In his solo productions also helped define the psychedelic folk and made it a musical influence for hundreds of musicians worldwide. With respect to Pink Floyd, defined the psychedelic London and made reference these avant garde of the time. He managed to build a style that was growing increasingly clear that a year later define as progressive rock.

Syd Barrett - Pink Floyd

Define the lake of this type will not fit in this post, but I wanted to get at is that those who have not had the chance to listen visit Youtube and search on it, they will realize that I am right to hear and admire such form. His music is immense and his legacy will be eternal. At 65 years of his birth are still thousands who keep his legacy intact and growing.

Citing his song Vegetable Man:

It's What I wear, it's What you see, it Must be me, it's what i am, Vegetable man

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Camera Made In Germany

Property PISA Gabriel Ruiz Tagle

few days ago I showed the situation facing workers BLASMAR High Bridge, to do BATTLE team leaders I talked to made a video, within the discussed leaders told us of another strike, by colleagues that were supporting, the workers of industrial papers SA (PISA), a company for paper and cardboard which is the second largest of its kind after CMPC, if you ever in the grocery store or the store has seen the toilet paper or magiklin favorite, good for that role is owned by PISA, include those who are the owners of this company, this is nothing more and nothing less than Gabriel Ruiz Tagle former shareholder of Colo Colo and current Minister of Sports, therefore as a step to the FASA strike where the Minister of work was a shareholder, this strike will be silenced by traditional media and the government .. These workers were supporting the bridge Blasmar fellow high but now must face their own strike, joint mobilizations can be and that we now share the first statement of the union of PISA:

Communiqué No. 1
A Public Opinion:

From on Thursday December 30, 2010, company workers Papers Industrial SA amounting to a number of 195 remain legal strike of indefinite duration, as after a hard bargaining process, the company yielded to the petitions raised by workers belonging to the Union No. 2.

The main demands are:

- Increased production bonus, as this corresponds to 40% approx. monthly compensation.
- Reset 6% of base salary.
- Improved los beneficios para los trabajadores y sus familias.
- Indemnización por años de servicio a todo evento.

Cabe señalar que la empresa es la segunda productora de papel tissue a nivel nacional, contando además con capitales extranjeros provenientes de SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget), multinacional líder en el rubro papelero a nivel mundial.

El Sr. GABRIEL RUIZ-TAGLE quien en la actualidad se desempeña como Sub-Secretario de Deportes, sigue siendo accionista de la empresa y el cargo de Gerente de Operaciones lo ocupa el Sr. Eduardo Morel.

Finalmente a 6 días de iniciada la huelga, la situación se mantiene igual, no existiendo ningún tipo de acercamiento por parte de la empresa in order to resolve the conflict and reach a fair deal for workers and their families.

No. 2 Union of Workers Industrial Company SA
papers States, organized and mobilized

Ruiz Tagle + = Piñera Morel
Workers Contact: 7854582,

Camera Made In Germany

Property PISA Gabriel Ruiz Tagle

few days ago I showed the situation facing workers BLASMAR High Bridge, to do BATTLE team leaders I talked to made a video, within the discussed leaders told us of another strike, by colleagues that were supporting, the workers of industrial papers SA (PISA), a company for paper and cardboard which is the second largest of its kind after CMPC, if you ever in the grocery store or the store has seen the toilet paper or magiklin favorite, good for that role is owned by PISA, include those who are the owners of this company, this is nothing more and nothing less than Gabriel Ruiz Tagle former shareholder of Colo Colo and current Minister of Sports, therefore as a step to the FASA strike where the Minister of work was a shareholder, this strike will be silenced by traditional media and the government .. These workers were supporting the bridge Blasmar fellow high but now must face their own strike, joint mobilizations can be and that we now share the first statement of the union of PISA:

Communiqué No. 1
A Public Opinion:

From on Thursday December 30, 2010, company workers Papers Industrial SA amounting to a number of 195 remain legal strike of indefinite duration, as after a hard bargaining process, the company yielded to the petitions raised by workers belonging to the Union No. 2.

The main demands are:

- Increased production bonus, as this corresponds to 40% approx. monthly compensation.
- Reset 6% of base salary.
- Improved los beneficios para los trabajadores y sus familias.
- Indemnización por años de servicio a todo evento.

Cabe señalar que la empresa es la segunda productora de papel tissue a nivel nacional, contando además con capitales extranjeros provenientes de SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget), multinacional líder en el rubro papelero a nivel mundial.

El Sr. GABRIEL RUIZ-TAGLE quien en la actualidad se desempeña como Sub-Secretario de Deportes, sigue siendo accionista de la empresa y el cargo de Gerente de Operaciones lo ocupa el Sr. Eduardo Morel.

Finalmente a 6 días de iniciada la huelga, la situación se mantiene igual, no existiendo ningún tipo de acercamiento por parte de la empresa in order to resolve the conflict and reach a fair deal for workers and their families.

No. 2 Union of Workers Industrial Company SA
papers States, organized and mobilized

Ruiz Tagle + = Piñera Morel
Workers Contact: 7854582,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Has Anyone Recently Been To Desire Resort

struggle Blasmar fellow in Puente Alto

If you are a high bridge or passing through the plaza of this community, you will find a group of people with a jar asking for coins for the strike, these workers' union that is in Blasmar Legal strike. From the day
Monday 13 December, the union workers are on strike Blasmar legal, are 101 workers a total of 182 people working in this rubber company located in the borough of High Bridge about 6 blocks d ela-term community in the shell street bull Pirque way.
Striking workers have stood firm and in control despite the holiday year which could be a strong emotional factor to lower the legal strike and stay with what the company offers which is half of what they had however, the mood for better working there, several partners were demonstrating, saying they would not enter on his knees in a company that exploits, that this is not the first strike and that all others had returned to the mine with our heads held high.
As pointed out by the leaders of the working conditions are very bad company, is a company that says not to receive profits, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, but the workers are arriving every day as more jobs for the state, ie the company won tenders also have a faithful clientele of footwear such as gloves, also made for the underground internet job etc., the company apparently does not live any kind of crisis as we are led to believe the managers, every year more workers watch as the administrative plant increases, and its time the luxuries of those found in tip of the organizational pyramid company, with new cars and so on. However
sinverguenzura the company does not stop there, also act as anti-union practices that staff hired days before the strike, which selo leaders have informed the labor inspectorate, an important issue is the safety of workers, although the company complies with basic standards such as gloves, earrings etc., 94 year a worker died in that made by a "work accident", the most common accidents are burns, amputations of fingers and hands, although there is a preventionists Risk this step to be full time for several months, since former only went to the factory for two weeks and ends. In relation to this safety issue should be noted that persons hired as strikebreakers, they have the skills needed to operate the machines. The oldest who are working have 4 to 5 months., Others were recruited 10 days before the strike, in that sense do not have a certificate of competence, leaving them vulnerable to any kind of accident, not having the knowledge or expertise.
The request of workers consists of 28 points that seeks to level the bond conditions while avoiding the company's reduced by half, for example resetting the bonus of 180 thousand pesos, debase 90, the bonds are unequal, for many their locomotion bonus of 5 thousand pesos while for the newest is 40 thousand, it has to do with what is salary impossible, to raise the bonus to locomotion new fluid appears to be increasing salaries, however the tax is less, plus school bonds are miserable, are basic for 7 thousand pesos while for higher than 53 thousand, also speaks of tuition vouchers for 100% yet in the fine print say it is up to a maximum of 50 thousand pesos, without a doubt one sinverguenzura and a mockery of the company towards its workers.
Salary conditions are also unfavorable, for example a person who has 20 years in the company earns 240 thousand pesos, while a manager earns 200 to 300,000 pesos a day, a clear example of inequality that exists in this country. For the company
negotiation is just a productivity bonus, their workers are less valuable than the machinery 'have since be replaced, therefore we use many tricks to deceive the workers and the strike evitr until 31 have not been sitting talking.
many workers remain in this company because of its proximity, as they have to go downtown to work or another municipality, also the average age of workers 40 to 50 years, although young people are mostly persons "advanced age" for other companies that are hiring.
Yet the mood is, workers as demonstrated by this strike has become a strength, on the one hand workers who must continue to jar, and another company that is producing 10% of all depends on support This strike, if you are from High Bridge support them with money when you see them in the center. Not rule out demonstrations and protests may take place in the community and other strategic locations.

Has Anyone Recently Been To Desire Resort

struggle Blasmar fellow in Puente Alto

If you are a high bridge or passing through the plaza of this community, you will find a group of people with a jar asking for coins for the strike, these workers' union that is in Blasmar Legal strike. From the day
Monday 13 December, the union workers are on strike Blasmar legal, are 101 workers a total of 182 people working in this rubber company located in the borough of High Bridge about 6 blocks d ela-term community in the shell street bull Pirque way.
Striking workers have stood firm and in control despite the holiday year which could be a strong emotional factor to lower the legal strike and stay with what the company offers which is half of what they had however, the mood for better working there, several partners were demonstrating, saying they would not enter on his knees in a company that exploits, that this is not the first strike and that all others had returned to the mine with our heads held high.
As pointed out by the leaders of the working conditions are very bad company, is a company that says not to receive profits, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, but the workers are arriving every day as more jobs for the state, ie the company won tenders also have a faithful clientele of footwear such as gloves, also made for the underground internet job etc., the company apparently does not live any kind of crisis as we are led to believe the managers, every year more workers watch as the administrative plant increases, and its time the luxuries of those found in tip of the organizational pyramid company, with new cars and so on. However
sinverguenzura the company does not stop there, also act as anti-union practices that staff hired days before the strike, which selo leaders have informed the labor inspectorate, an important issue is the safety of workers, although the company complies with basic standards such as gloves, earrings etc., 94 year a worker died in that made by a "work accident", the most common accidents are burns, amputations of fingers and hands, although there is a preventionists Risk this step to be full time for several months, since former only went to the factory for two weeks and ends. In relation to this safety issue should be noted that persons hired as strikebreakers, they have the skills needed to operate the machines. The oldest who are working have 4 to 5 months., Others were recruited 10 days before the strike, in that sense do not have a certificate of competence, leaving them vulnerable to any kind of accident, not having the knowledge or expertise.
The request of workers consists of 28 points that seeks to level the bond conditions while avoiding the company's reduced by half, for example resetting the bonus of 180 thousand pesos, debase 90, the bonds are unequal, for many their locomotion bonus of 5 thousand pesos while for the newest is 40 thousand, it has to do with what is salary impossible, to raise the bonus to locomotion new fluid appears to be increasing salaries, however the tax is less, plus school bonds are miserable, are basic for 7 thousand pesos while for higher than 53 thousand, also speaks of tuition vouchers for 100% yet in the fine print say it is up to a maximum of 50 thousand pesos, without a doubt one sinverguenzura and a mockery of the company towards its workers.
Salary conditions are also unfavorable, for example a person who has 20 years in the company earns 240 thousand pesos, while a manager earns 200 to 300,000 pesos a day, a clear example of inequality that exists in this country. For the company
negotiation is just a productivity bonus, their workers are less valuable than the machinery 'have since be replaced, therefore we use many tricks to deceive the workers and the strike evitr until 31 have not been sitting talking.
many workers remain in this company because of its proximity, as they have to go downtown to work or another municipality, also the average age of workers 40 to 50 years, although young people are mostly persons "advanced age" for other companies that are hiring.
Yet the mood is, workers as demonstrated by this strike has become a strength, on the one hand workers who must continue to jar, and another company that is producing 10% of all depends on support This strike, if you are from High Bridge support them with money when you see them in the center. Not rule out demonstrations and protests may take place in the community and other strategic locations.