Friday, March 25, 2011

Kite Surf Birthday Cake

The PISA Retaliation against workers Workers

Despite the strike ended a few weeks ago , PISA workers are giving notice, and clear as a company as malicious and cruel as the property of Gabriel Ruiz Tagle, tricks and anti-union practices are the order of the day.

the bloodsuckers now fired 68 union members, is clearly a step in retaliation for the strike mentioned above, the worst part is that these layoffs are doing by going to the legal article and Article 160 of labor code where we can see a paragraph that refers to "The material damage caused intentionally in facilities, machinery, tools, work tools, products or merchandise." As an argument to dismiss the Company to workers without compensation. This argument is strengthened by the attack communications received by the union, the media gift presented to the striking workers as responsible for the death of a girl in a car accident and a fire attack on the Enterprise ( left much to be desired since the attack did not generate a lot of damage, which gives to think of a Tongo), with all this background the company laying off workers attacked 68 of them.

This Friday January 25 leaders rebuked the Labour Minister on the issue of layoffs, and this argument that these issues involves the work address and that his office has little to do with those decisions. What else could I ask whether the Minister's colleague the owner of the company, but some media rescued this fact and presented, but with the memory of that strike and the misrepresentation that they made.

then share the statement of co-Pisa:

Press March 24, 2011

public opinion

On Wednesday March 23, 2011, 68 members of our union went to the Labour Inspectorate in conjunction with the leaders union located in Quilicura to file a complaint for unfair dismissal from your employer PISA. All our partners were dismissed by invoking the grounds of Article 160 without compensation for years of service, which is why this action has shown clearly that all complaints filed by our union, with respect to anti-union practices at the outset of our strike which began on December 30, were well founded.

From the beginning we had disadvantages, in our legal strike tried by every means of trying to prevent the actions of the company with unfair practices, there were countless marches and demonstrations try to draw attention to high government officials to curb the actions of Pisa, but we were only heard when the events that occurred the day Wednesday, February 16, TV channels in conjunction with the company mounted a media show to criminalize the trade union movement, allotting facts that we do not correspond. As PISA

a large company in the market, it was layers of solving the security and economic problems of the striking workers, saying they had no financial means, yet have paid huge amounts of money in hiring a lot replacement staff, training courses retain partners outside the company, even as the budget is not complete production of the raw material has been purchased abroad, it is for this and other information more than sure that if there was money to meet the demands of the workers. But we believe that the end was always clear, and this was none other than remove the union.

need to know public opinion PISA, in an effort to desarticulizar our organization continues its unfair practices, this string of events culminating with the notification of the company's outrage of the leaders of the union.

We as an organization will continue in the legal struggle to find justice in our demands, and the country must know, as a junior government, Sub. Secretary of Sports, the owner of this company treats its workers, and contradicts the statements of this government to try to eliminate unemployment and creating new jobs, this is the true face of Pisa, its owners, and owners of the country.

As we said at the outset. Alert

workers in Chile, the government of employers sack their claws

resist until our part

Our dignity as workers

Atte. The directive.

Union No. 2 Industrial Paper Workers


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