Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Make A Homemade Pontoon Boat

The Struggle of Women in Chile and Latin America

Invitation to the activity:

between us when the need arises to cause a meeting to facilitate dialogue and Reflection on "The Struggle of Women in Chile and Latin America, this is asserted before a new celebration of March 8, the" International Women's Day. " When on this date several festivities abound, we intend to recreate, from the present, counter-memory of the struggles of women against those who call us to celebrate, we invite you to remember that this date is of significance for the control , rebellion, of questioning the domination that we must not lose sight. Women's Day has its origin and its relationship with the history of women's liberation struggle, can be considered as one of days of the demand for equality between men and women, offers women's empowerment, encourages the opening of the traditional left analysis of the exploitation, the emphasis of the look on domination and subordination of women. Now, why did you choose a March 8? Find different answers. The most common of them says that this date commemorates textile workers killed in a fire fight for reductions in working hours, other links of protest mobilization of the seamstresses' guild in the U.S., could also be considered for this determination, the Commune de Paris, also held in March and remember outstanding figure of Louise Michell, and the proposal of the Woman's Day by Clara Zetkin at an international conference of socialist women. But the official history tells us that in 1975 the UN set this day, 30 years after the "equality" is declared a fundamental human right, through a letter of the same entity.

But we want to be clear, we are not interested in the speech above, but the story is forged our people from below. The relationship between the history of our country with the rest of Latin America-as joint heirs of an imposed culture, revolutions, dictatorships and economic project political and social triumphantly installed in us today, and calls us to establish ourselves as women, making a counterpoint to the historical amnesia so often, we find in our own political practices, which have been and what we are, places us back on the concern to clarify our identity, our goals and dreams. Knowing that are specific to local contexts, as it is constructed of various aspects of both economic, social, cultural and symbolic, the Latin American scene without being uniform, anyway keep a story that passes to a present. The struggles of women to access their rights to political participation and access education, today, the aggressive neoliberalism framed their struggles in the demands for a dignified life. Zapatista women, peasant and indigenous groups in Ecuador, the Landless Movement in Brazil, the Mapuche women are protagonists in the struggle for land. The militants, through their organizations, they fight to the precarious employment, from the reforms and privatizations that prevent a fuller life. Argentina's unemployed women, the debtor's housing care about, and Chile are questioning the system in this historical moment of a brutal global capitalism and the expansion of transnational power.

In the context of a new March 8, vindicating the women who embody that fighting against a system process and also intolerable, their rebellion is going to accrue in seeking changes in social relations, understanding human life as a complex articulation of historical and social processes wallow in our daily lives. We wish to emphasize the struggle of women who exercise rights translate, make them tangible, women in their struggles, they discover that equality can not be left in the hands of experts, technocrats, who bet because equality is no longer modern and liberal discourse, that of the statistics of participation through the inclusion political parties or to work.

How these women, stars of their lives, come to question the differences between human groups to invent and propose ethical values \u200b\u200bin the coexistence of men and women? How can they discovered that the passionate and emotional is also part of the political? The invitation is to see women of our people in struggle, to reflect on their resistance to gender subordination, displaying the possibilities they have to act and transform reality, making freedom and equality practice through recognition and solidarity in the building a project of transformation and social revolution.

Monday March 7, 19:00 hrs., In local resistance Union
Stucco located Cape passage Arestey No 2461, Av Spain c /
Alameda, Metro Republic.


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