Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When You Start To Die From Glioblastoma

Chile: Meeting for a union regardless of the interests of those who rule : Unity, struggle, solidarity and education

With proactive participation, and democratic leaders resolved and union delegates, women and men in public transport industries and cargo, construction, banking, the copper port, independent work, the supermarket, the Call Center, the teachers, of safety services; of the boatmen, health and SMEs, we conducted the first meeting by an independent trade union of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working in his service, on March 26 in Valparaiso.

We met convinced we are laying the basic groundwork that will help drive Chile's workers and strengthen the reappropriation of their own organizations, on the principle of political independence of the working class, whose immediate and historical interests are antagonistic towards the state, the current political parties, employers, self-owning class and the governments. We oppose the prevailing forms of capitalism, exploiting, plundering and that fuels its profits with the natural resources of people and employees in the territory.

We realized, full of will to reverse the current and poor conditions of workers in the country, a preliminary diagnosis for each sector on the current organization of work imposed by the capital, characterized by the relocation, high turnover, overexploitation, fragmentation, the subcontractor, the precarious contractual relations, the terrible wages, environmental destruction and the failure even of legal rights. Similarly, we assessed that the fear of job loss social alienation and rampant indebtedness are difficult elements and act as part of an anti-popular policy of the State and employers to prevent the formation of trade unions.

Participants have found that the current trade union representatives, who run the central organizations, acting under the business world, thus changing the role of trade unions, and making them integrated organizations defending the interests employers and government.

confront urgently consider new ways of capitalist exploitation, opening the debate and organizing the struggle to regain the unions as instruments of the workers themselves. Likewise, we must ask what kind of unions we need, "is the current union, as designed, the organization that require? Do I have to think of new ways of organizing and other methods? To do this we will deliver, both to the task of doing a survey and mapping of the general working conditions of the country, like education, training and education of workers labor rights.

unionism find that the class has been played by mutual interests of working people is supportive, is for the emancipation of mankind from global and national capitalism. In this line, we declare:

1. reject violence business owners of the company PISA, which after a long strike of the Union No. 2, fired with rage and seeking to intimidate exemplary to employment to all who participated in the strike and now outrageous claim their leaders and pay no legal compensation.

2. We support the collective bargaining process carried out by construction workers of the company Urban Rancagua, confident in their strength and organization to get what they deserve for justice.

3. condemn the anti-union that is currently suffering a worker Veronica Silva de Viña del Mar.

4. We political prisoners called "case pumps," mounting a crude state without real evidence, that seeks to criminalize social protest and organization.

5. reject the sentence four Mapuche hunger strike, with penalties of 25 and 20 years amid a political trial that seeks to undermine the legitimate demands and struggles of the Mapuche people and centenarians. The capitalism as a way to gain greater wealth, does not hesitate to strip territory and natural resources of indigenous peoples.

6. strongly condemn the intervention of imperialism, which now intends to exercise his dominion over the peoples of the Middle East and Latin America to seize for the benefit of natural resources and the work of those areas planet.

We started walking. Our horizon is the unity of struggle and organization for the interests of working people and the vast majority. Our meeting is the wood of the fighting, training, regardless of the class that produces all wealth, and the militant solidarity.

"For a union regardless of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working on their service."

enterprise Trade Union of Workers of the Construction, Industrial Assembly and Others - SINTEC Chile

Francisco Bravo, Gabriela Cruces, leaders of the Workers' Union No. 1 Unisono ( Call Center)

Cid Carlos Lemus, President National Union of Workers Inter Trucks Prat Pier - Valparaiso

Etiel Moraga Contreras, National Director CUT

Jorge Bustos, President Confederation Seafarers

Louis Messina, Secretary General Bank of Chile Confederation

Juan Cuevas, President National Union of Workers SMEs

Magali Soto, Bank Workers' Union President Paris.

Cristian Martinez, President Union of Workers of BICE.

Virginia González Miranda, APS Officers Association La Platina (FREMESAM - CONFUSAM)

Ramon Lopez, leader of the National Workers Federation cimm.

Avercio Parra, Coordinator General Workers Confederation of Independent Trade Unions and Trade Persian

Jorge Pizarro Álvarez , Director of the Board , Lts Bodegas Union, D & S, a subsidiary holding D & S - Walmart

Victor Quijada, president Chilean Safety Association Workers

Javier Márquez, Itau Workers leader.

Dominique Siddi, Union Leader Boston College, Florida.

Judith Mayorga, Union College Kentenich father, Puente Alto.

Eduardo Carranza, Urban Transport Workers Federation, Valparaiso.

March 2011

When You Start To Die From Glioblastoma

Chile: Meeting for a union regardless of the interests of those who rule : Unity, struggle, solidarity and education

With proactive participation, and democratic leaders resolved and union delegates, women and men in public transport industries and cargo, construction, banking, the copper port, independent work, the supermarket, the Call Center, the teachers, of safety services; of the boatmen, health and SMEs, we conducted the first meeting by an independent trade union of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working in his service, on March 26 in Valparaiso.

We met convinced we are laying the basic groundwork that will help drive Chile's workers and strengthen the reappropriation of their own organizations, on the principle of political independence of the working class, whose immediate and historical interests are antagonistic towards the state, the current political parties, employers, self-owning class and the governments. We oppose the prevailing forms of capitalism, exploiting, plundering and that fuels its profits with the natural resources of people and employees in the territory.

We realized, full of will to reverse the current and poor conditions of workers in the country, a preliminary diagnosis for each sector on the current organization of work imposed by the capital, characterized by the relocation, high turnover, overexploitation, fragmentation, the subcontractor, the precarious contractual relations, the terrible wages, environmental destruction and the failure even of legal rights. Similarly, we assessed that the fear of job loss social alienation and rampant indebtedness are difficult elements and act as part of an anti-popular policy of the State and employers to prevent the formation of trade unions.

Participants have found that the current trade union representatives, who run the central organizations, acting under the business world, thus changing the role of trade unions, and making them integrated organizations defending the interests employers and government.

confront urgently consider new ways of capitalist exploitation, opening the debate and organizing the struggle to regain the unions as instruments of the workers themselves. Likewise, we must ask what kind of unions we need, "is the current union, as designed, the organization that require? Do I have to think of new ways of organizing and other methods? To do this we will deliver, both to the task of doing a survey and mapping of the general working conditions of the country, like education, training and education of workers labor rights.

unionism find that the class has been played by mutual interests of working people is supportive, is for the emancipation of mankind from global and national capitalism. In this line, we declare:

1. reject violence business owners of the company PISA, which after a long strike of the Union No. 2, fired with rage and seeking to intimidate exemplary to employment to all who participated in the strike and now outrageous claim their leaders and pay no legal compensation.

2. We support the collective bargaining process carried out by construction workers of the company Urban Rancagua, confident in their strength and organization to get what they deserve for justice.

3. condemn the anti-union that is currently suffering a worker Veronica Silva de Viña del Mar.

4. We political prisoners called "case pumps," mounting a crude state without real evidence, that seeks to criminalize social protest and organization.

5. reject the sentence four Mapuche hunger strike, with penalties of 25 and 20 years amid a political trial that seeks to undermine the legitimate demands and struggles of the Mapuche people and centenarians. The capitalism as a way to gain greater wealth, does not hesitate to strip territory and natural resources of indigenous peoples.

6. strongly condemn the intervention of imperialism, which now intends to exercise his dominion over the peoples of the Middle East and Latin America to seize for the benefit of natural resources and the work of those areas planet.

We started walking. Our horizon is the unity of struggle and organization for the interests of working people and the vast majority. Our meeting is the wood of the fighting, training, regardless of the class that produces all wealth, and the militant solidarity.

"For a union regardless of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working on their service."

enterprise Trade Union of Workers of the Construction, Industrial Assembly and Others - SINTEC Chile

Francisco Bravo, Gabriela Cruces, leaders of the Workers' Union No. 1 Unisono ( Call Center)

Cid Carlos Lemus, President National Union of Workers Inter Trucks Prat Pier - Valparaiso

Etiel Moraga Contreras, National Director CUT

Jorge Bustos, President Confederation Seafarers

Louis Messina, Secretary General Bank of Chile Confederation

Juan Cuevas, President National Union of Workers SMEs

Magali Soto, Bank Workers' Union President Paris.

Cristian Martinez, President Union of Workers of BICE.

Virginia González Miranda, APS Officers Association La Platina (FREMESAM - CONFUSAM)

Ramon Lopez, leader of the National Workers Federation cimm.

Avercio Parra, Coordinator General Workers Confederation of Independent Trade Unions and Trade Persian

Jorge Pizarro Álvarez , Director of the Board , Lts Bodegas Union, D & S, a subsidiary holding D & S - Walmart

Victor Quijada, president Chilean Safety Association Workers

Javier Márquez, Itau Workers leader.

Dominique Siddi, Union Leader Boston College, Florida.

Judith Mayorga, Union College Kentenich father, Puente Alto.

Eduardo Carranza, Urban Transport Workers Federation, Valparaiso.

March 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kite Surf Birthday Cake

The PISA Retaliation against workers Workers

Despite the strike ended a few weeks ago , PISA workers are giving notice, and clear as a company as malicious and cruel as the property of Gabriel Ruiz Tagle, tricks and anti-union practices are the order of the day.

the bloodsuckers now fired 68 union members, is clearly a step in retaliation for the strike mentioned above, the worst part is that these layoffs are doing by going to the legal article and Article 160 of labor code where we can see a paragraph that refers to "The material damage caused intentionally in facilities, machinery, tools, work tools, products or merchandise." As an argument to dismiss the Company to workers without compensation. This argument is strengthened by the attack communications received by the union, the media gift presented to the striking workers as responsible for the death of a girl in a car accident and a fire attack on the Enterprise ( left much to be desired since the attack did not generate a lot of damage, which gives to think of a Tongo), with all this background the company laying off workers attacked 68 of them.

This Friday January 25 leaders rebuked the Labour Minister on the issue of layoffs, and this argument that these issues involves the work address and that his office has little to do with those decisions. What else could I ask whether the Minister's colleague the owner of the company, but some media rescued this fact and presented, but with the memory of that strike and the misrepresentation that they made.

then share the statement of co-Pisa:

Press March 24, 2011

public opinion

On Wednesday March 23, 2011, 68 members of our union went to the Labour Inspectorate in conjunction with the leaders union located in Quilicura to file a complaint for unfair dismissal from your employer PISA. All our partners were dismissed by invoking the grounds of Article 160 without compensation for years of service, which is why this action has shown clearly that all complaints filed by our union, with respect to anti-union practices at the outset of our strike which began on December 30, were well founded.

From the beginning we had disadvantages, in our legal strike tried by every means of trying to prevent the actions of the company with unfair practices, there were countless marches and demonstrations try to draw attention to high government officials to curb the actions of Pisa, but we were only heard when the events that occurred the day Wednesday, February 16, TV channels in conjunction with the company mounted a media show to criminalize the trade union movement, allotting facts that we do not correspond. As PISA

a large company in the market, it was layers of solving the security and economic problems of the striking workers, saying they had no financial means, yet have paid huge amounts of money in hiring a lot replacement staff, training courses retain partners outside the company, even as the budget is not complete production of the raw material has been purchased abroad, it is for this and other information more than sure that if there was money to meet the demands of the workers. But we believe that the end was always clear, and this was none other than remove the union.

need to know public opinion PISA, in an effort to desarticulizar our organization continues its unfair practices, this string of events culminating with the notification of the company's outrage of the leaders of the union.

We as an organization will continue in the legal struggle to find justice in our demands, and the country must know, as a junior government, Sub. Secretary of Sports, the owner of this company treats its workers, and contradicts the statements of this government to try to eliminate unemployment and creating new jobs, this is the true face of Pisa, its owners, and owners of the country.

As we said at the outset. Alert

workers in Chile, the government of employers sack their claws

resist until our part

Our dignity as workers

Atte. The directive.

Union No. 2 Industrial Paper Workers

Kite Surf Birthday Cake

The PISA Retaliation against workers Workers

Despite the strike ended a few weeks ago , PISA workers are giving notice, and clear as a company as malicious and cruel as the property of Gabriel Ruiz Tagle, tricks and anti-union practices are the order of the day.

the bloodsuckers now fired 68 union members, is clearly a step in retaliation for the strike mentioned above, the worst part is that these layoffs are doing by going to the legal article and Article 160 of labor code where we can see a paragraph that refers to "The material damage caused intentionally in facilities, machinery, tools, work tools, products or merchandise." As an argument to dismiss the Company to workers without compensation. This argument is strengthened by the attack communications received by the union, the media gift presented to the striking workers as responsible for the death of a girl in a car accident and a fire attack on the Enterprise ( left much to be desired since the attack did not generate a lot of damage, which gives to think of a Tongo), with all this background the company laying off workers attacked 68 of them.

This Friday January 25 leaders rebuked the Labour Minister on the issue of layoffs, and this argument that these issues involves the work address and that his office has little to do with those decisions. What else could I ask whether the Minister's colleague the owner of the company, but some media rescued this fact and presented, but with the memory of that strike and the misrepresentation that they made.

then share the statement of co-Pisa:

Press March 24, 2011

public opinion

On Wednesday March 23, 2011, 68 members of our union went to the Labour Inspectorate in conjunction with the leaders union located in Quilicura to file a complaint for unfair dismissal from your employer PISA. All our partners were dismissed by invoking the grounds of Article 160 without compensation for years of service, which is why this action has shown clearly that all complaints filed by our union, with respect to anti-union practices at the outset of our strike which began on December 30, were well founded.

From the beginning we had disadvantages, in our legal strike tried by every means of trying to prevent the actions of the company with unfair practices, there were countless marches and demonstrations try to draw attention to high government officials to curb the actions of Pisa, but we were only heard when the events that occurred the day Wednesday, February 16, TV channels in conjunction with the company mounted a media show to criminalize the trade union movement, allotting facts that we do not correspond. As PISA

a large company in the market, it was layers of solving the security and economic problems of the striking workers, saying they had no financial means, yet have paid huge amounts of money in hiring a lot replacement staff, training courses retain partners outside the company, even as the budget is not complete production of the raw material has been purchased abroad, it is for this and other information more than sure that if there was money to meet the demands of the workers. But we believe that the end was always clear, and this was none other than remove the union.

need to know public opinion PISA, in an effort to desarticulizar our organization continues its unfair practices, this string of events culminating with the notification of the company's outrage of the leaders of the union.

We as an organization will continue in the legal struggle to find justice in our demands, and the country must know, as a junior government, Sub. Secretary of Sports, the owner of this company treats its workers, and contradicts the statements of this government to try to eliminate unemployment and creating new jobs, this is the true face of Pisa, its owners, and owners of the country.

As we said at the outset. Alert

workers in Chile, the government of employers sack their claws

resist until our part

Our dignity as workers

Atte. The directive.

Union No. 2 Industrial Paper Workers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mmi Component (ypbpr) Input Cable Configure

scavengers in Rancagua: CONFLICT AND URBAN SINTEC - CHILE

mid-2010 it won the bidding for the collection of household waste and mining waste in general throughout the district of Ranchi, the URBAN company CHILE SA, company with foreign capital (English), and one of its controlling shareholders in Chile is Mr. Raul Alcaíno, former mayor of the commune of Santiago.
During the approval process of the council, as there were a couple of councilors, anomalies in the allocation and do not rule out participation in monetary terms as the mayor and a couple of councilors.
The problem arises from the exploitation of the full complement of workers in this company, which should work up on Sundays, for poverty wages, not to mention that there is a complete violation to the health and safety standards established by law 16,744, in addition to violating Article 184, 185 and 186 of the Labour Code, which deals with the responsibility of the health of workers exposed to toxic waste.

thence about three months ago, the company employees grouped in the SINTEC-CHILE (National Inter-Trade Union of Workers of the Construction, Industrial Assembly and others) began a period of negotiation legal collective in nature, with clear demands and supports; adjustment of salaries, payment of legal bonus, improvements on the premises of the workers, better pay for sweeping free markets (currently pay 1500, swept fair), implements delivery security, etc.

The company reacted as expected in the worst way trying to disrupt the union, through a collective agreement reached with a tiny group of workers, deceived and / or threatened with losing their jobs, as well as serious infractions, such as the falsification of signatures in letters to leave the union, allegedly sent by workers, anti-union practices and practices unfair bargaining, records made available to the relevant inspection work Rancagua, making clear that SINTEC represents 85% of workers in that company.

Monday 21 March at 15:45 summon a press conference to all national and regional media in the main square of Rancagua, in front of the municipality, which incidentally is the principal of URBAN CHILE SA, to expose publicly exposed the background here and report the impending strike of nearly all the workers of the company, leaving a delicate health risk to the community of Rancagua.

National Union Construction, Installation and Other

Mmi Component (ypbpr) Input Cable Configure

scavengers in Rancagua: CONFLICT AND URBAN SINTEC - CHILE

mid-2010 it won the bidding for the collection of household waste and mining waste in general throughout the district of Ranchi, the URBAN company CHILE SA, company with foreign capital (English), and one of its controlling shareholders in Chile is Mr. Raul Alcaíno, former mayor of the commune of Santiago.
During the approval process of the council, as there were a couple of councilors, anomalies in the allocation and do not rule out participation in monetary terms as the mayor and a couple of councilors.
The problem arises from the exploitation of the full complement of workers in this company, which should work up on Sundays, for poverty wages, not to mention that there is a complete violation to the health and safety standards established by law 16,744, in addition to violating Article 184, 185 and 186 of the Labour Code, which deals with the responsibility of the health of workers exposed to toxic waste.

thence about three months ago, the company employees grouped in the SINTEC-CHILE (National Inter-Trade Union of Workers of the Construction, Industrial Assembly and others) began a period of negotiation legal collective in nature, with clear demands and supports; adjustment of salaries, payment of legal bonus, improvements on the premises of the workers, better pay for sweeping free markets (currently pay 1500, swept fair), implements delivery security, etc.

The company reacted as expected in the worst way trying to disrupt the union, through a collective agreement reached with a tiny group of workers, deceived and / or threatened with losing their jobs, as well as serious infractions, such as the falsification of signatures in letters to leave the union, allegedly sent by workers, anti-union practices and practices unfair bargaining, records made available to the relevant inspection work Rancagua, making clear that SINTEC represents 85% of workers in that company.

Monday 21 March at 15:45 summon a press conference to all national and regional media in the main square of Rancagua, in front of the municipality, which incidentally is the principal of URBAN CHILE SA, to expose publicly exposed the background here and report the impending strike of nearly all the workers of the company, leaving a delicate health risk to the community of Rancagua.

National Union Construction, Installation and Other

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Different Body Sizes For Women Fakku

EKON Strike: polyfunctionality against precarious employment and

On Saturday March 12 became effective legal strike Ekono SA workers union, a union which brings about 305 workers at the company store, owned by Wal-Mart the largest supermarket company in the world whose worldwide sales exceed the GDP of Chile.
The Battle of the workers was on Wednesday 16 to the strike that was taking place in local EKON in Providence near the metro Pedro de Valdivia, talked with the leaders and they pointed out to us their problems regarding to strike, collective bargaining and working conditions themselves such
These brave workers face The company, in its petition there is nothing out of this world are being asked to climb the salary of 170 pesos to 200 pesos, due to the precariousness of salary compared to other supermarkets and also because workers are Multifunctional Ekono, which is a sign of insecurity WALL MART implemented by the work of people who work in the area of \u200b\u200bthe supermarket, this refers to polyfunctionality workers are hired to perform different functions within the local in this sense can reponedor work of cashiers, the cleaners, even guards, and all for the modest sum of the minimum wage, that way the store increases its profits by precarious work of its employees and thus have low prices (low prices for low wages.)
Another point is the security situation in the districts there are security guards while in the periphery, there are pockets that are traumatized because of the attacks, an official told us that a cashier was licensed by the ACHS because trauma and shock that had happened after being assaulted.
The Company has tried to avoid the strike by using various tricks that have not worked, workers are watching the moves and know how to anticipate, for example the first day of strike before becoming legally effective to control the inspection of work and all that is needed to process a number of people for the strike was legal, the company in a desperate measure offered money to people who were in strike other than to meet in the premises where they intended to demonstrate and thus the strike would not be effective because of the lack of a quorum but this did not result, and co-equal Ekono came to meet and demonstrate to grow logando enforce and legal to strike. Another measure is that members of the union members but for reasons of registration dates were not able to be on the list of collective bargaining and therefore could not participate in the strike, the Company was prohibited from entering premises to work with these partners, so they were being discriminated against their right to decent work, so that the prohibition was against her daily food and which could also result in some resentment toward the union, the union responded to this by accusing the situation quickly in the inspection of work as well and explained Alexis told us Ubilla Secretary of the union.
As a curious and you see in the video, is that this ruling local where we recorded the strikers had a shop next door, where they had pants that cost 50 000 pesos, and next Striker was a partner with the poster calling for his salary of 170 thousand dollars, then give to believe, there are people asking for 30 thousand dollars more in salary and must reach these instances, while there are others who can afford to buy a 50 000 pesos pants .. There is note of inequality in this country.
This Thursday EKON workers denouncing repression by security guards and local EKON Curicó Street where even Strikers attacked members of the union, the union also alleges that the company is sending some customers fake fight with strikers create conflicts and thus draw the attention of police, these alleged customers are actually employees of the company, we were witnesses of a Lady in Providence, which insulted a striker, we do not know if any workers who report EKON because it seemed rather a cultural reaction of a person living in that wealthy municipality of Santiago and that discontent is with the Strikers

Strike will continue until the very end, and the battle will be there to report
For information from the same union can visit