Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tattooing Penis Black

PISA PISA Strike Continues

Follows Strike union mates Pisa, are already over 39 days on the streets, fighting the company and all the political and bureaucratic machinery connected with it, remember that the Lord's Table Gabriel Ruiz, undersecretary of Sports ie a type also protects the government having been a member of the president as owners of the football team Colo Colo. Now we share the analysis made by the same workers to 39 days Strike:

A 39 days into the strike legal, we see that even our prayers are not heard by the company, this struggle has been complex, the company has used all their influence in every field, first we have publicly denounced has been the direct involvement of representatives of labor inspection influencing workers and then persuading the leadership to end the strike by accepting the offer of the company.

We also find that police has increased its endowment to maintain a constant intimidation against workers, this situation came to an end on Wednesday when a bus appears riot, which was parked in front of workers in a provocative attitude. This leaves us here clearly demonstrated that there are other influences, as they themselves acknowledged that since management made a single call and got them directly from their highs above reprimands.

Furthermore publicly denounced as the company has used every means to weaken the legal strike, using all kinds of tricks of dubious reputation, as the constant harassment of workers by phone calls for that hook, threatening that if they do not desist will be laid off, reaching to send some of his trusted people to the homes of union members to desist from the strike, have also run a number of rumors to intimidate workers as a mailing list management in which all persons are which must be dismissed.

unilateral measures also are part of the company that has ignored the previous collective bargaining agreement by refusing to pay the production bonus of December 2010, in addition to non-payment of bonus as recorded in thirteen previous negotiations, would be the average of the bonuses of the year.

We also present as the company kept the rest of the workers, in a find antagonism against unionized workers, saying that everything happened so far is only the fault of the union, not being able to assume their responsibility to the conflict, distorting reality, trying to stop evil and confuse the union saying that hides the information and manages it, before we call it responsibly to stop lying, and to take proper responsibility, here the only ones who have managed and misrepresented the situation they are.

This situation has been caused only by the company, if we see as a conflict developed in the nearly 40-day strike is to maintain dialogue intermittently, then here come our doubts, because the company created in a dialogue that has no power of decision and expands the dialogue for the first two weeks after the close of the dialogue about the fourth week it was reopened only to continue to raise the same proposal, with this situation this condition is prolonged until the fifth week in which shamelessly calls to the policy that we give some point to reach an agreement, as if we were he to lengthy conflict.

other hand we see as more than a month long strike and the whole situation that involves losses that go far beyond what would accept the request of workers then again, we ask that management really intends. We know that there have always been differences between the management and the most ancient of the company, who saw through the years as it grew, becoming the company it is today, then again we ask, what is the purpose of so much pride and pride. We've seen it happen several managers, but none had been so disastrous, the labor-management relations built for years, with the whole situation is seriously at risk, which would involve a great human cost. This management will fulfill its cycle but the damage is, and who will pay that cost.

You see that after these days of strike and month exceeds the social harm produced not only affects the 195 union members but to the more than 400 people working in the company and without thinking about the families that depend on them, if the economic damage to the firm large, the damage they are suffering more than 400 families is much greater, that affects the whole field, generating a great social damage that is irreversible.

Finally we call on all workers of industrial paper not to be influenced and take part in this conflict, the conflict is not with you, not us, the conflict is with the company and this is the only legal tool we have for to obtain a benefit that you see is extended to you.

know that not everyone has fallen into this game, thanks to them we know what is the reality that exists within the company, so just ask them not to fall into the game you are trying to impose our company, our struggle is legitimate and is by all workers.

Here are responsible and we must see. All the sacrifice given over the years is being seriously affected by an intractable position, the damage will be irreversible if not taken the correct decision.

From our side we ask for better conditions for a dignified life and to the question of Mr. Baraona, we can give in return the answer is one and Production, our work, and we are so sure of that until we can double production with at this time.

Because these nearly 40 days of strike have learned to know who we are and we know what our capabilities.

definitely say we move forward,

until our part

stay on strike ...

With the memory of Boris VESNAVILOVICH (operator pulper), J. HUETE (maintenance mechanics) EDUARDO MUĂ‘OZ (assistant machine).

May the memory of our comrades will strengthen us and unite us, about a fair fight for our future for our families, for our dignity.

source: http://sindicatopisa.wordpress.com/


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