Saturday, May 16, 2009

Weighted Shower Curtain For Handicap Shower

Module 7: Module 8

Paulo VI

1. The permanent political society

and political policy derived from polis, a Greek word which was identified with the city-state, ie, small organization or structure of the Greek community. A human group that lives in the same territorial space, can not maintain its living if it is organized. Organizing means ordered in search of purpose and means to achieve it.
The purpose is simply to satisfy all the needs that are common to the coexistence of the group and its members, namely achieving together everything that every single man, or a smaller group could not reach. To that end, the most important is the existence of a head, of an authority with power to make, send and forbid what interests the group.
When the group is organized, the organization is political. Society, such as maximum group acquires a political organization. Comes a political society, to seek the common good of the community. In this context acquires order coexistence, achieve harmony and balance the activities of all people and groups, by political society that is called perfect community.
does not mean you have reached the highest level of human progress, perfect means that there is no man who can provide what it provides: providing all the necessities of life and coexistence. Equivalent to self-sufficient community, because they end in itself, has means to achieve its purpose.

The existence of a political society in every town, has always existed and will in the future, because it responds to a need of human nature. But the precise form of the organization, structure, every political society, is variable. Depends on a free decision, reflective and aware of those who make up a particular people. In the modern world, the typical political society known as the State.

2. Elements State

We can define the State as the organ synthesis, planning and conduct of a territorially defined society, designed to advance the common good .
are commonly mentioned as constituent data or determinants of the state: population, territory, power and government.

► Population: is the human element of the State, without people there is no state. The population of a State to integrate as many live in the territory under its jurisdiction. We reserve the concept of people to the population legally subordinate to the State, as its members have the - citizenship by birth in the territory, or who have opted for it , born in another country. Also part of the population, who live temporarily in the territory for various reasons, being foreigners. ►

Territory: the state is a territorial or spatial association, because it requires the physical or geographical context where its members live. The territory defines the space environment where power is exercised by a State. ►

Power is the force or energy, you should use the State to achieve its purpose. It is not physical strength alone, but rather, a moral power, authority within the meaning of social dominance achieved compliance. The strength of state power comes from the communal settlements that sustains and supports it. State power is political, because the activity that creates and develops is political.

State power can grow and wane, may be expanded or retracted, by multiple factors. Thus, a government of liberal ideology to weaken state power, to give greater freedom to private initiative. At the other extreme, a totalitarian conception increase state power, until everything is subordinated social. If a totalitarian state is unacceptable, it can not accept a limitation of state power to stop you doing what is necessary and at the mercy of vested interests or sector. In this case, may not satisfy the common good.

As already explained, the power of the state has a special quality: sovereignty. If at any time the power of the State is no longer supreme in the territorial jurisdiction applies, and is subject, in fact, to another power, means that the state has ceased to exist. ►

government: the power and ability or capacity to act, is a power, which requires enactment. To do this, they lack men who hold power and exercise it, using that capacity or energy. People who exercise state power are called together government. The government is the State and acts on their behalf.

If the government were exercised, the variety of functions for a single man or small group, this concentration could degenerate into abuses of power. For this reason and also for more effective government action, since ancient times has sought to distribute power. From Montesquieu, the trend has spread to what is called the division powers.

In reality, state power is always one and indivisible; what divides and separates are bodies exercising the powers and functions that are entrusted to these bodies. Thus arose the three branches or "powers" that are usually separated the functions of government: Legislative - Executive - Judicial.

John Paul II says:
"Such an ordering reflects a realistic view of man's social nature, which calls for legislation to protect the freedom of all. In this regard, it is preferable that each power be balanced by other powers and other competition areas which keep it within proper bounds. " (CA, 44)

3. Purpose State

The purpose of government is the common good public. We say that the common good pursued by the State are public, that only the State takes the man in full time, being enough to belong to political society, the human condition. The state has partial harmonization of common property and individual, but also occurs as a guarantee of performance of all because it produces the order without which it would harm.

The state is a be real, but accidental because their existence is not independent of its inhabitants, nor is there above them. Because it is a substance, its perfection, the good that is destined to possess, is a function of helping to create the best possible conditions for a good human life. Human needs are of three kinds:

a) Needs of a material, as required by your body are those which make the maintenance of health and species.
b) Need for an intellectual, are what make the enhancement of their culture.
c) Need for ethical and religious, as it teaches P. Suarez, is considered as belonging to the common good not only what the utility looks temporary, but it touches on morality and a convenient way of working, such as acts carried out in perfect freedom.

So Pius XII explained, all state activity is subject to the permanent realization of the common good " is those external conditions that are necessary to all citizens, to develop their qualities and their offices, their material, intellectual and religious, as, for one hand, the forces and energies of the family and other agencies to which corresponds a natural precedence does not suffice, and, secondly, the saving will of God has not given other company in the Church universal in the service of human and carrying out their religious purposes . "(" Sempra "1942, p. 13)

4. Limiting State

The common good public acts as a constraint to the State. Because if the state must reach to the common good, is it a limitation objectively derived from nature. This limitation is broken down into three principles:
► The state must do everything that leads to the common good.
► The state must not do what he hurt the common good.
► The state must refrain from acting when the common good is not compromised.

Another guiding principle of social order involved in the limitation of the state, is to subsidiarity, which was developed by Pius XI, Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, "where, on the subject at hand, teaches
" should, therefore, that the supreme authority of the state associations can resolve those issues and care less minor in which, moreover, would lose much time, thereby further achieve free, firmer and more effectively all that is within its exclusive competence, as only he can do, directing, watching, urging and punishing , as the case requires and necessity requires . "(QA, 80)

5. Forms of State and Government

authority belongs to the order established by God, but the determination of the regime and the appointment of rulers depends on the free will of citizens. The Church has no preference. " The diversity of political regimes is morally acceptable, provided they serve the legitimate good of the communities that adopt ." (CCC, 1901) By contrast, regimes whose nature is contrary to natural law, order public and people's fundamental rights, can not achieve the common good. State
forms are the forms of organization of the state itself, while forms of government relate to the organizational forms of the element of state called government. In other words, forms of government respond to the question: Who's the Boss?, Ie addresses of the holders of power. Instead, the state forms, answer the question: how is the boss?. That is, it considers how to exercise power.

Forms of State: to learn how power is exercised, the item must be related to two other elements of the state: population and territory.

a) With regard to the territory , power may be exercised in a centralized or decentralized. The centrally, is the State unit: the state is unitary because its centralized political power is exercised in a territory.
The decentralized, state is the federal : the state is federal because its decentralized political power is exercised in different parts of the territory.

b) Regarding population, the power may be exercised, recognizing their dignity, freedom and rights, or restricted or denying them. Recognition implies the form of state democratic , the restriction means in the form of authoritarian state , denial implies the form of totalitarian state .

We plot the above, with the following: _______________________________

(how power is exercised)

Power / Territory :
Unitary State (political centralization territorial)
Federal State (territorial political decentralization)

Power / Town :
Democratic State (recognition of dignity, freedom and dd. of man)
Authoritarian State (restriction)
Totalitarian State (negation) _______________________________

Totalitarianism - Democracy

The way State, in relation to the territory, usually determined by the characteristics. The countries of vast territory, like ours, tend to choose the federal form, the countries of low-surface-like Uruguay or mountainous terrain, such as Chile, often prefer a single unit. In both cases, for operational reasons and internal communication.

Instead, the state form in relation to population, it means a mode or style of political coexistence, which responds to the philosophical or ideological patterns of those who have influenced their formation. For better understanding, the analysis should begin by totalitarianism, which is the antithesis of the democratic form. Mussolini's formula to define fascism, aptly sums up the design totalitarian : particularly in the State, all to the State, nothing outside the state.
In a totalitarian regime, the most important areas of personal and social life are under the absolute jurisdiction of the state: the economy, education, culture, labor, media.

Another form of non-democratic state, is the authoritative , which restricts the rights and freedoms of citizens, but does not completely absorb human life not completely overwhelm the dignity of the individual. Usually, this form of state is transient, then, or give rise to a democratic system, or drift into totalitarianism.
An example of an authoritarian state, we have known in Argentina, "is the de facto regime, established by a coup, suspending the operation of the Constitution, and prohibits political parties. After a few years, the same authoritarian government calls elections, based on the Constitution, either with the previous version of the same, or reformed, and delivers power to the elected officials.

With regard to how democratic of State, not to say confused with the democratic form of government, to which we refer later. The state is democratic, when men and social groups, are located within the political society in a free living form, which ensures their dignity, their freedom and fundamental rights .

This form of state is compatible with various forms of government. Paul VI as clarified in the week Social Charter of France (07/02/1963):
" Democracy approves the Church is less tied to a particular political regime that structures which depend on the relationship between the people and power in the pursuit of common prosperity . "

On the other hand, Pius XII," Benignitas et Humanitas, "warns that" democracy, understood in a broad sense, supports various forms and can have its implementation both in monarchies as in republics ... . "

should be warned that not always the form of the state as the human element or population, are reflected in the current constitution, so the classification of a particular political regime depends not only on legal formalities, but the way specific exercise power.

Forms of government

Although there are different ways to classify forms of government, is still useful, because of its simplicity, the numerical criterion to distinguish the forms of government, as the ruling is: only one ( monarchy ), several ( aristocracy) or many ( Republic). Aristotle
combine this quantitative classification with a qualitative approach, considering the purpose for which the ruler exercises power. Thus, the forms cited in the category of pure and fair, in which the ruler exercises power seeking common good.
Each of these three pure forms, it becomes impure or wrong, when the objective pursued by the ruler is a private good (self, a kind of a game). Thus monarchy becomes tyranny , the aristocracy oligarchy , and democratic republic in .
We can see better this classification in a box: ________________________________

(Who has the power) ► ► One

Monarchy (form) Tyranny (impure form)

Several ► ► Aristocracy (form) oligarchy ed (impure form)

Many ► ► Republic (form) Democracy (impure form)

The inclusion of democracy among the impure forms, can draw attention, as usual, even by those who use this same classification, usually seen as a fair-and even the only acceptable ", calling the unfair" demagoguery. " We preferred to keep the names were used until the Renaissance, and are contained in the works of Aristotle [1] and Thomas [2] .

6. Critique of democracy as a form of government

already show that the Church has no objection to democracy as a form of government. But the democratic form of government, such as its promoters thought in the modern world, Rousseau, Stuart Mill, Montesquieu is based on the myth of popular sovereignty. In Module 7 we discussed the scientific critique of that conception, and the negative position of the Church.

remember now, the teaching of St. Pius X, in "Notre Apostolique charge, warning us that the Church
" has sentenced a democracy that reaches the level of evil that is attributed sovereignty to society people. "

Instead, the republican form of government does not deserve any objection, either from the scientific point of view, not from the doctrinaire approach. The characterization of this form of government is usually described the following elements:

a) division of functions;
b) election of governors;
c) periodicity in the exercise of government;
d) advertising for acts of government;
e) liability for those acts ;
f) equality of citizens before the law.

The word "democracy " is ambiguous, since there are diverse opinions among the authors, added to the confusion that often incurred between the concepts of democracy as a form of state, republic and democratic form of government. However, the church prefers not to reject outright a name that is used usually with a positive sense, as a counter-trend to the monopoly of power.
Therefore, Pius XII, "Benignitas et Humanitas," detailing the rights of citizens that characterize a healthy democracy :
a) expressing his own views on the duties and sacrifices that are imposed;
b) not be obliged to obey without being heard.

Half a century later, John Paul II, updated the following conditions:
" The Church values \u200b\u200bthe democratic system, as it ensures the participation of citizens in political choices, guarantees to the governed the possibility to choose and control their own rulers, or of replacing them through peaceful means. " (CA, 46)

also clarifies that a true democracy is possible only on the basis of a correct conception of the human person. And he warns:
" A democracy without values \u200b\u200beasily turns into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism, as history shows ." (CA, idem)

7. political participation

The most important aspect of work political society, is the selection of those who occupy the state government. In the contemporary world, in all democratic states, the above selection is done through political parties. These are groups of citizens who seek social support to compete for power and participate in the conduct of the State.
Vatican II recognized that:
" is perfectly consistent with human nature that constitute the political and legal structures that offer all citizens, without discrimination and with growing perfection, effective opportunities to participate freely and actively in Fixing the basics community legal policy, the government of public affairs, in determining the scopes and limits of different institutions and the choice of rulers . "(GS, 75) However

, criticism of the party system is widespread. Argentine Bishops have stated that: "Political parties are blurring. Not perceived in them a proper and clear set of values \u200b\u200bthat govern it. They ceased to be a school of citizenship to its adherents and instrument of selection of the best and most suitable for achieving public office. "(05/01/1912)
The worst, in the case Argentina, is that reform of the Constitution in 1994, the parties were granted a monopoly of political representation, which facilitates partidocracia : situation in which government decisions are subordinate to the convenience circumstantial of party leaders more influential.

So more than ever, to recall the moral obligation of the Catechism: " citizens as possible should take an active part in public life " (No. 1915). But he insisted sternly on that obligation, Pope John Paul II:
"... lay faithful are never to relinquish their participation in politics ... every person has a right and duty to participate in politics ...". It adds that the difficulties and risks that may exist in political action, " not justify the least or the absence or the skepticism of Christians in relation to public affairs. "(CL, 42)

Moreover, the Constitution Gaudium et Spes, says:" The Church praises and believes the work of those in the service of man, devoted to the good of public affairs and accept the burdens of this office "(GS, 75)

8. Doctrine of the lesser evil

The form of participation in civic life, the responsibility of all citizens is to vote in elections to determine who will be the rulers. Well, voting is a right and a duty, to oblige conscience as indicated by the Catechism (No. 2240) and the Constitution Gaudium et Spes (No. 75). Only very serious and exceptional cases can be justified abstention or blank vote.

Due to the amount of existing parties in Argentina, it is almost impossible not to present any party, which has a platform compatible with the doctrinal principles. Much more difficult is that no candidate who meets minimum standards of ability and honesty. So, although we do not meet the national policy landscape, and although we did not find any party and no candidate who awaken our full membership, we must practice the ancient Christian doctrine of the lesser evil, linked to the topic of tolerance of evil.

The doctrine teaches that, between two evils, you can choose, or allow the child. This does not mean it ever be lawful "to" an evil, considered minor compared to another. Means that against certain circumstances it is lawful to "allow" others to do wrong as this is considered less than what would follow with an intolerant attitude (Encyclical Letter "Libertas", n º 23).
In the case of a presidential election, voted for a candidate considered the lesser evil is not doing a lesser evil, but allowing access to the presidency of someone who may, based on history and background of its competitors, will management more detrimental to the common good.

tolerance to evil, is a postulate of political prudence. Therefore, it is worth remembering our patron St. Thomas More example of prudent policy, proclaimed by Pope John Paul II: " patron of rulers and politicians ." Indeed, in his book "Utopia" has left us two pieces of advice to politicians, which summarize properly the doctrine of lesser evil:

" conseguis If all the good that you propose, your efforts will fall by at least the intensity of evil . "

" The inability to quickly eliminate unethical practices and to correct long-standing worth as a reason not to give up the civil service. The pilot did not abandon his ship in storm because he can not master the winds . "

9. International Community

Unlike animal world is divided into numerous families and species, often pursued without mercy, men are metaphysically united, despite their differences of race and nationality, for the same human nature. A human nature common to all men accompanying the management of all mankind to the same spiritual and moral values. The realization of these values \u200b\u200brequires the collaboration of all peoples and cultures internationally. Around the globe of the earth, teaches Francisco de Vitoria, is in some way, a single community.

Pius XII stressed that the common good and the essential purpose of each State "can not exist nor be conceived without its intrinsic relation to the unity of mankind" (24/12/1951). Since God originally gave the goods of the earth to the whole human family and not to certain people and mankind, he is also a single unit from the economic point of view.

The international public good is limited to the values \u200b\u200band services that individual states can not produce its own forces, and includes the following elements:

peace among states, and consequently among peoples. This peace is not possible, if there is a particular international order, commonly defined and guaranteed by appropriate procedures. ►
Some coordination of different states, so that each people can receive from others, on condition of reciprocity, products and services that are missing. ►
Some coalition efforts with a view to obtaining specific purposes of common interest: international public services, fighting crime and terrorism, tourism, control of natural phenomena, and so on.

The international common good can only be achieved with the creation of an authority public, established with the consent of all States, and not imposed by the powerful. The Organization of the United Nations, represents a first step towards the establishment of a global authority, precisely one of the negative factors of this institution, created by the victors of World War II, is that the five great powers reserved the right veto in the Security Council, which prevents the rapid and just solution of many problems.

Another difficulty that often arises is that the incorrect interpretation of the concept of sovereignty, slows joint action initiatives involving interference in matters arising within a state. In this regard, John Paul II has warned that
" The principles of state sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs, which retain all -value can not, however, constitute a screen behind which tortured and murdered "(Speech, 01/16/1993).


International Union of Social Studies (Mechelen). "Code of political morality", Santander, Sal Terrae, 1959.
Höffner, Joseph. "Christian social doctrine", Madrid, Rialp, 1964.
Llerena Amadeo, Juan - Ventura, Eduardo. "Political Order" Buenos Aires, AZ Editora, 1984.
Palacio, Ernesto. "State Theory", Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 1973.
Bidart Campos, Germain. "Lessons basic policy", Buenos Aires, Ediar, 1973.
Palumbo, Carmelo. "Guide to a systematic study of the Social Doctrine of the Church", Buenos Aires, EDUCA, 1987, pgs. 121/122.
[1] Aristotle. "Politics", Madrid, Centro de Estudios Conmstitucionales, 1983, pgs. 80/81.
[2] Aquinas. "The Government of Prince", Buenos Aires, Culture Editor, 1945, Vol I, pgs. 223/24.


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