Thursday, May 12, 2011

Baby Cold Choke Phlegm

The police brutally represses the expression of the general strike in Athens May 11

Just days after the arrest of three colleagues orchestrated the events that occurred in the demonstrations of May 5 last year and just hours after the riot and attacked the fascists together occupations of Skaramagá and Vila Amalia, the Greek police once again showed its true nature and savagely attacked the manifestation of the general strike on May 11.

When the main body of the demonstration, with some 25,000 people had arrived in Syntagma Square, the police charged, very hard against the anarchist block against block the unions, with tear gas and beating protesters in the head.

According to initial reports, there are several injured (with head injuries and burns from tear gas), one of which arrived at the hospital Nike "antemortem situation" and was taken straight into surgery, plus more of 30 arrests.

Then the statement of the Local Committee EINAP (Association of Doctors Hospital of Athens and Piraeus) in the General Hospital of Nikea:

"Today we have witnessed the continuing atrocities and inconceivable that the government's memorandum used to suppress all forms of reaction from the public against the plans that the foreign and local capital in Greece want to impose.

Dozens of protesters injured and beaten by riot police turned on their own or were brought to our hospital. For the most lesions and bruises on his head. Among them, a protester of 30 years was admitted in very serious condition, antemortem, with anisocoria and a strong epidural hematoma. He currently is being operated in the operating room and our partners are trying to save his life.

denounce the abuses and atrocities of the police.

denounce all members of the Greek government and the president the country for the attempted murder of our fellow citizens, which is in very serious condition and whose life is endangered, as well as attacks against the remaining protesters.

violence and repression of the people who resist and fight will not last long.

The government, with its shameless tactic of attacking all levels of society that are necessary for survival and raw violence that poses a direct threat to our lives, all we're getting is to increase our efforts and our decision fight to the end that the people have bread, education and freedom.

not stop until those responsible are punished of this attempted murder! "

See also: Occupied london > photos > videos

General Strike 11-M throughout the country

of Cretanarka

The demo [of the general strike on May 11] was very massive, and many media ("because there were no major disturbances?) tried to hush talking some 10,000, some 20,000 ... Anyway, was a manifestation very large with the participation of about 80,000 to 100,000 people (without adding the PAME, time and different place.)

The demo was totally Pacific and during his tour there was hardly any shock-confrontation with the police. In Syntagma Square, and walked back to the Propylaea of \u200b\u200bthe old University, began. At the end of the body of the block had been mani Assembly of Anarchists and Social Self-Management, Neighborhood Assemblies Blocks, Self-managed block of Park and Patision Kipru (where the person was seriously injured) and some blocks of the left parliament. The police brutally attacked them using amount of tear gas, stun grenades (on more than one occasion to hear loud explosions and repeated more than 20 grenades at a time, seemed to continuous shooting machine gun) and blows, pointing directly the heads of people. The demonstrators tried to defend themselves with Molotov cocktails and all kinds of objects. Later, clashes spread around Eksarjia Square and the Polytechnic (where many people are locked to protect).

Dozens of people were injured and were moved to hospital. Two of them were operated. One spleen was removed, and the second person in a coma fighting to stay alive.

At night rallies were held spontaneously in several Greek cities. In the city of Volos addressed PASOK party headquarters. This evening at 18.00 there are demonstrations in many Greek cities.

ALB: In addition fellow of the story, we say that according to information from occupiedlondon yesterday evening to 21pm. riot police and some fascists attacked the squat Vila Amalia Athens, resulting in clashes. They also report the death of a Pakistani immigrant this morning, presumably by the attack by neo-Nazis.

The videos and photos of the strike are impressive, reflecting a tremendous police violence, which has already been convicted and that caused the coma of a protester of 30 years [out of the coma but still struggling between life and death] and loss of an arm in another. More than 100 people injured. Today

May 12 has been busy the rector of the University of Athens and the Senate building in Propylea (Athens).

>> alasbarricadas

Baby Cold Choke Phlegm

The police brutally represses the expression of the general strike in Athens May 11

Just days after the arrest of three colleagues orchestrated the events that occurred in the demonstrations of May 5 last year and just hours after the riot and attacked the fascists together occupations of Skaramagá and Vila Amalia, the Greek police once again showed its true nature and savagely attacked the manifestation of the general strike on May 11.

When the main body of the demonstration, with some 25,000 people had arrived in Syntagma Square, the police charged, very hard against the anarchist block against block the unions, with tear gas and beating protesters in the head.

According to initial reports, there are several injured (with head injuries and burns from tear gas), one of which arrived at the hospital Nike "antemortem situation" and was taken straight into surgery, plus more of 30 arrests.

Then the statement of the Local Committee EINAP (Association of Doctors Hospital of Athens and Piraeus) in the General Hospital of Nikea:

"Today we have witnessed the continuing atrocities and inconceivable that the government's memorandum used to suppress all forms of reaction from the public against the plans that the foreign and local capital in Greece want to impose.

Dozens of protesters injured and beaten by riot police turned on their own or were brought to our hospital. For the most lesions and bruises on his head. Among them, a protester of 30 years was admitted in very serious condition, antemortem, with anisocoria and a strong epidural hematoma. He currently is being operated in the operating room and our partners are trying to save his life.

denounce the abuses and atrocities of the police.

denounce all members of the Greek government and the president the country for the attempted murder of our fellow citizens, which is in very serious condition and whose life is endangered, as well as attacks against the remaining protesters.

violence and repression of the people who resist and fight will not last long.

The government, with its shameless tactic of attacking all levels of society that are necessary for survival and raw violence that poses a direct threat to our lives, all we're getting is to increase our efforts and our decision fight to the end that the people have bread, education and freedom.

not stop until those responsible are punished of this attempted murder! "

See also: Occupied london > photos > videos

General Strike 11-M throughout the country

of Cretanarka

The demo [of the general strike on May 11] was very massive, and many media ("because there were no major disturbances?) tried to hush talking some 10,000, some 20,000 ... Anyway, was a manifestation very large with the participation of about 80,000 to 100,000 people (without adding the PAME, time and different place.)

The demo was totally Pacific and during his tour there was hardly any shock-confrontation with the police. In Syntagma Square, and walked back to the Propylaea of \u200b\u200bthe old University, began. At the end of the body of the block had been mani Assembly of Anarchists and Social Self-Management, Neighborhood Assemblies Blocks, Self-managed block of Park and Patision Kipru (where the person was seriously injured) and some blocks of the left parliament. The police brutally attacked them using amount of tear gas, stun grenades (on more than one occasion to hear loud explosions and repeated more than 20 grenades at a time, seemed to continuous shooting machine gun) and blows, pointing directly the heads of people. The demonstrators tried to defend themselves with Molotov cocktails and all kinds of objects. Later, clashes spread around Eksarjia Square and the Polytechnic (where many people are locked to protect).

Dozens of people were injured and were moved to hospital. Two of them were operated. One spleen was removed, and the second person in a coma fighting to stay alive.

At night rallies were held spontaneously in several Greek cities. In the city of Volos addressed PASOK party headquarters. This evening at 18.00 there are demonstrations in many Greek cities.

ALB: In addition fellow of the story, we say that according to information from occupiedlondon yesterday evening to 21pm. riot police and some fascists attacked the squat Vila Amalia Athens, resulting in clashes. They also report the death of a Pakistani immigrant this morning, presumably by the attack by neo-Nazis.

The videos and photos of the strike are impressive, reflecting a tremendous police violence, which has already been convicted and that caused the coma of a protester of 30 years [out of the coma but still struggling between life and death] and loss of an arm in another. More than 100 people injured. Today

May 12 has been busy the rector of the University of Athens and the Senate building in Propylea (Athens).

>> alasbarricadas