Thursday, May 12, 2011

Baby Cold Choke Phlegm

The police brutally represses the expression of the general strike in Athens May 11

Just days after the arrest of three colleagues orchestrated the events that occurred in the demonstrations of May 5 last year and just hours after the riot and attacked the fascists together occupations of Skaramagá and Vila Amalia, the Greek police once again showed its true nature and savagely attacked the manifestation of the general strike on May 11.

When the main body of the demonstration, with some 25,000 people had arrived in Syntagma Square, the police charged, very hard against the anarchist block against block the unions, with tear gas and beating protesters in the head.

According to initial reports, there are several injured (with head injuries and burns from tear gas), one of which arrived at the hospital Nike "antemortem situation" and was taken straight into surgery, plus more of 30 arrests.

Then the statement of the Local Committee EINAP (Association of Doctors Hospital of Athens and Piraeus) in the General Hospital of Nikea:

"Today we have witnessed the continuing atrocities and inconceivable that the government's memorandum used to suppress all forms of reaction from the public against the plans that the foreign and local capital in Greece want to impose.

Dozens of protesters injured and beaten by riot police turned on their own or were brought to our hospital. For the most lesions and bruises on his head. Among them, a protester of 30 years was admitted in very serious condition, antemortem, with anisocoria and a strong epidural hematoma. He currently is being operated in the operating room and our partners are trying to save his life.

denounce the abuses and atrocities of the police.

denounce all members of the Greek government and the president the country for the attempted murder of our fellow citizens, which is in very serious condition and whose life is endangered, as well as attacks against the remaining protesters.

violence and repression of the people who resist and fight will not last long.

The government, with its shameless tactic of attacking all levels of society that are necessary for survival and raw violence that poses a direct threat to our lives, all we're getting is to increase our efforts and our decision fight to the end that the people have bread, education and freedom.

not stop until those responsible are punished of this attempted murder! "

See also: Occupied london > photos > videos

General Strike 11-M throughout the country

of Cretanarka

The demo [of the general strike on May 11] was very massive, and many media ("because there were no major disturbances?) tried to hush talking some 10,000, some 20,000 ... Anyway, was a manifestation very large with the participation of about 80,000 to 100,000 people (without adding the PAME, time and different place.)

The demo was totally Pacific and during his tour there was hardly any shock-confrontation with the police. In Syntagma Square, and walked back to the Propylaea of \u200b\u200bthe old University, began. At the end of the body of the block had been mani Assembly of Anarchists and Social Self-Management, Neighborhood Assemblies Blocks, Self-managed block of Park and Patision Kipru (where the person was seriously injured) and some blocks of the left parliament. The police brutally attacked them using amount of tear gas, stun grenades (on more than one occasion to hear loud explosions and repeated more than 20 grenades at a time, seemed to continuous shooting machine gun) and blows, pointing directly the heads of people. The demonstrators tried to defend themselves with Molotov cocktails and all kinds of objects. Later, clashes spread around Eksarjia Square and the Polytechnic (where many people are locked to protect).

Dozens of people were injured and were moved to hospital. Two of them were operated. One spleen was removed, and the second person in a coma fighting to stay alive.

At night rallies were held spontaneously in several Greek cities. In the city of Volos addressed PASOK party headquarters. This evening at 18.00 there are demonstrations in many Greek cities.

ALB: In addition fellow of the story, we say that according to information from occupiedlondon yesterday evening to 21pm. riot police and some fascists attacked the squat Vila Amalia Athens, resulting in clashes. They also report the death of a Pakistani immigrant this morning, presumably by the attack by neo-Nazis.

The videos and photos of the strike are impressive, reflecting a tremendous police violence, which has already been convicted and that caused the coma of a protester of 30 years [out of the coma but still struggling between life and death] and loss of an arm in another. More than 100 people injured. Today

May 12 has been busy the rector of the University of Athens and the Senate building in Propylea (Athens).

>> alasbarricadas

Baby Cold Choke Phlegm

The police brutally represses the expression of the general strike in Athens May 11

Just days after the arrest of three colleagues orchestrated the events that occurred in the demonstrations of May 5 last year and just hours after the riot and attacked the fascists together occupations of Skaramagá and Vila Amalia, the Greek police once again showed its true nature and savagely attacked the manifestation of the general strike on May 11.

When the main body of the demonstration, with some 25,000 people had arrived in Syntagma Square, the police charged, very hard against the anarchist block against block the unions, with tear gas and beating protesters in the head.

According to initial reports, there are several injured (with head injuries and burns from tear gas), one of which arrived at the hospital Nike "antemortem situation" and was taken straight into surgery, plus more of 30 arrests.

Then the statement of the Local Committee EINAP (Association of Doctors Hospital of Athens and Piraeus) in the General Hospital of Nikea:

"Today we have witnessed the continuing atrocities and inconceivable that the government's memorandum used to suppress all forms of reaction from the public against the plans that the foreign and local capital in Greece want to impose.

Dozens of protesters injured and beaten by riot police turned on their own or were brought to our hospital. For the most lesions and bruises on his head. Among them, a protester of 30 years was admitted in very serious condition, antemortem, with anisocoria and a strong epidural hematoma. He currently is being operated in the operating room and our partners are trying to save his life.

denounce the abuses and atrocities of the police.

denounce all members of the Greek government and the president the country for the attempted murder of our fellow citizens, which is in very serious condition and whose life is endangered, as well as attacks against the remaining protesters.

violence and repression of the people who resist and fight will not last long.

The government, with its shameless tactic of attacking all levels of society that are necessary for survival and raw violence that poses a direct threat to our lives, all we're getting is to increase our efforts and our decision fight to the end that the people have bread, education and freedom.

not stop until those responsible are punished of this attempted murder! "

See also: Occupied london > photos > videos

General Strike 11-M throughout the country

of Cretanarka

The demo [of the general strike on May 11] was very massive, and many media ("because there were no major disturbances?) tried to hush talking some 10,000, some 20,000 ... Anyway, was a manifestation very large with the participation of about 80,000 to 100,000 people (without adding the PAME, time and different place.)

The demo was totally Pacific and during his tour there was hardly any shock-confrontation with the police. In Syntagma Square, and walked back to the Propylaea of \u200b\u200bthe old University, began. At the end of the body of the block had been mani Assembly of Anarchists and Social Self-Management, Neighborhood Assemblies Blocks, Self-managed block of Park and Patision Kipru (where the person was seriously injured) and some blocks of the left parliament. The police brutally attacked them using amount of tear gas, stun grenades (on more than one occasion to hear loud explosions and repeated more than 20 grenades at a time, seemed to continuous shooting machine gun) and blows, pointing directly the heads of people. The demonstrators tried to defend themselves with Molotov cocktails and all kinds of objects. Later, clashes spread around Eksarjia Square and the Polytechnic (where many people are locked to protect).

Dozens of people were injured and were moved to hospital. Two of them were operated. One spleen was removed, and the second person in a coma fighting to stay alive.

At night rallies were held spontaneously in several Greek cities. In the city of Volos addressed PASOK party headquarters. This evening at 18.00 there are demonstrations in many Greek cities.

ALB: In addition fellow of the story, we say that according to information from occupiedlondon yesterday evening to 21pm. riot police and some fascists attacked the squat Vila Amalia Athens, resulting in clashes. They also report the death of a Pakistani immigrant this morning, presumably by the attack by neo-Nazis.

The videos and photos of the strike are impressive, reflecting a tremendous police violence, which has already been convicted and that caused the coma of a protester of 30 years [out of the coma but still struggling between life and death] and loss of an arm in another. More than 100 people injured. Today

May 12 has been busy the rector of the University of Athens and the Senate building in Propylea (Athens).

>> alasbarricadas

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Best Headphone For Snowboarding

Anarchist Opinion Letter

"The situation of workers and the challenges of a new era of struggle"

Under neoliberal counter-revolution, the ruling class has radically altered the pattern of accumulation in Chile, from an emerging model "development" of import substitution, to a model of primary-export matrix, ie, aimed at extracting natural resources for sale without a large processing. In this scenario, workers and popular sectors have suffered the social consequences of political defeat meant the military dictatorship, which has plunged the proletariat in a long period of reflux which recently started dating.

Today, diverse and important sectors of our class have started their social and political rearmament, basically struggling for economic demands in the context of a global economic crisis that is hitting strongly to countries heavily dependent on world imperialism. Try here present a brief retrospective of the events that lead us to confront the current situation and set out some ideas that seem crucial to all those who sincerely and consistently delivered to the struggle for socialism and freedom ...

Best Headphone For Snowboarding

Anarchist Opinion Letter

"The situation of workers and the challenges of a new era of struggle"

Under neoliberal counter-revolution, the ruling class has radically altered the pattern of accumulation in Chile, from an emerging model "development" of import substitution, to a model of primary-export matrix, ie, aimed at extracting natural resources for sale without a large processing. In this scenario, workers and popular sectors have suffered the social consequences of political defeat meant the military dictatorship, which has plunged the proletariat in a long period of reflux which recently started dating.

Today, diverse and important sectors of our class have started their social and political rearmament, basically struggling for economic demands in the context of a global economic crisis that is hitting strongly to countries heavily dependent on world imperialism. Try here present a brief retrospective of the events that lead us to confront the current situation and set out some ideas that seem crucial to all those who sincerely and consistently delivered to the struggle for socialism and freedom ...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Polaris Colt Wiring Diagram

common pot ASMAR Talcahuano

Compañer @ s, @ s Lord, Friends, Good Afternoon

We inform you that from the day Tuesday, April 12 we started a Common Pot 9 support our colleagues who were sacked on Friday 08 of this month. Notably

versions of the company as estimated many more layoffs are the result of "low workload which sharply rejected due to: 1 .-

other workshops are hiring fixed term and indefinite, many of They retired from the Navy as a salary. WHY NOT converted to THE FLYING?

2 .- According to "Workload Plan" of the Company, should (hypothetically speaking) dissociate about 100 colleagues belonging to the Shipyard Constructor. DISCLAIM ALL THAT ARE FIRING TABLES UNION-COMPANY OF THE DIALOGUE IS NOT A DONE TO PLAY "THIS" THREAD. He also reported that NAVAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IS CORPORATE retired admiral and rehire. RESIGN AS DOES THE WORK LOAD FOR LOW?

3 .- There are agreements between Union-Company-Ministry of Defence, which is mentioned does not cut any worker, considering the upgrading of the Shipyard is increasing, there still the possibility of increasing final strength (Plant Asmar)

4 .- There unrelated peers belonging to "Capredena Transfer Project" which to be unemployed, lose their ability to realize the event. AGREEMENT WITH MINISTER OF DEFENSE


On Thursday 14 Senator Alejandro Navarro Brain Valparaiso got a meeting for Tuesday, 19 with the participation of Minister Andres Allamand, Hosain Sabag and Senator Senator Navarro.


invite the world to visit-REGIONAL ASSOCIATION, support and promote this issue. We In the outskirts of Lions Gate - Talcahuano and our struggle will decline no


release them!


Polaris Colt Wiring Diagram

common pot ASMAR Talcahuano

Compañer @ s, @ s Lord, Friends, Good Afternoon

We inform you that from the day Tuesday, April 12 we started a Common Pot 9 support our colleagues who were sacked on Friday 08 of this month. Notably

versions of the company as estimated many more layoffs are the result of "low workload which sharply rejected due to: 1 .-

other workshops are hiring fixed term and indefinite, many of They retired from the Navy as a salary. WHY NOT converted to THE FLYING?

2 .- According to "Workload Plan" of the Company, should (hypothetically speaking) dissociate about 100 colleagues belonging to the Shipyard Constructor. DISCLAIM ALL THAT ARE FIRING TABLES UNION-COMPANY OF THE DIALOGUE IS NOT A DONE TO PLAY "THIS" THREAD. He also reported that NAVAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IS CORPORATE retired admiral and rehire. RESIGN AS DOES THE WORK LOAD FOR LOW?

3 .- There are agreements between Union-Company-Ministry of Defence, which is mentioned does not cut any worker, considering the upgrading of the Shipyard is increasing, there still the possibility of increasing final strength (Plant Asmar)

4 .- There unrelated peers belonging to "Capredena Transfer Project" which to be unemployed, lose their ability to realize the event. AGREEMENT WITH MINISTER OF DEFENSE


On Thursday 14 Senator Alejandro Navarro Brain Valparaiso got a meeting for Tuesday, 19 with the participation of Minister Andres Allamand, Hosain Sabag and Senator Senator Navarro.


invite the world to visit-REGIONAL ASSOCIATION, support and promote this issue. We In the outskirts of Lions Gate - Talcahuano and our struggle will decline no


release them!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Asus Maximus Iii Extreme

CUT union rejects universal vote of its members

The Confederation of Workers rejected the position of establishing the universal vote of its members.

715 against and 32 votes in favor. That was the outcome to the consultation to establish universal suffrage for the unions affiliated to the Confederation of Workers, in the 9 th Congress of the agency multisidical.

The unrest provoked in a group that claims that a "low democracy "within the CUT, although the measure had been agreed at the last congress and had been ratified by a vote of the membership policy.

This was explained to the press, the president of the National Confederation of Municipal Health Officials, Carolina Espinoza.

The president of the National Association of Prosecutors, Raul de La Puente, regretted the outcome of the election and said it was not healthy for the organization.

For his part, President of the Confederation of Workers, Arturo Martínez said implement universal voting mechanism requires a further strengthening of structures. Listen

radio news


Asus Maximus Iii Extreme

CUT union rejects universal vote of its members

The Confederation of Workers rejected the position of establishing the universal vote of its members.

715 against and 32 votes in favor. That was the outcome to the consultation to establish universal suffrage for the unions affiliated to the Confederation of Workers, in the 9 th Congress of the agency multisidical.

The unrest provoked in a group that claims that a "low democracy "within the CUT, although the measure had been agreed at the last congress and had been ratified by a vote of the membership policy.

This was explained to the press, the president of the National Confederation of Municipal Health Officials, Carolina Espinoza.

The president of the National Association of Prosecutors, Raul de La Puente, regretted the outcome of the election and said it was not healthy for the organization.

For his part, President of the Confederation of Workers, Arturo Martínez said implement universal voting mechanism requires a further strengthening of structures. Listen

radio news


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When You Start To Die From Glioblastoma

Chile: Meeting for a union regardless of the interests of those who rule : Unity, struggle, solidarity and education

With proactive participation, and democratic leaders resolved and union delegates, women and men in public transport industries and cargo, construction, banking, the copper port, independent work, the supermarket, the Call Center, the teachers, of safety services; of the boatmen, health and SMEs, we conducted the first meeting by an independent trade union of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working in his service, on March 26 in Valparaiso.

We met convinced we are laying the basic groundwork that will help drive Chile's workers and strengthen the reappropriation of their own organizations, on the principle of political independence of the working class, whose immediate and historical interests are antagonistic towards the state, the current political parties, employers, self-owning class and the governments. We oppose the prevailing forms of capitalism, exploiting, plundering and that fuels its profits with the natural resources of people and employees in the territory.

We realized, full of will to reverse the current and poor conditions of workers in the country, a preliminary diagnosis for each sector on the current organization of work imposed by the capital, characterized by the relocation, high turnover, overexploitation, fragmentation, the subcontractor, the precarious contractual relations, the terrible wages, environmental destruction and the failure even of legal rights. Similarly, we assessed that the fear of job loss social alienation and rampant indebtedness are difficult elements and act as part of an anti-popular policy of the State and employers to prevent the formation of trade unions.

Participants have found that the current trade union representatives, who run the central organizations, acting under the business world, thus changing the role of trade unions, and making them integrated organizations defending the interests employers and government.

confront urgently consider new ways of capitalist exploitation, opening the debate and organizing the struggle to regain the unions as instruments of the workers themselves. Likewise, we must ask what kind of unions we need, "is the current union, as designed, the organization that require? Do I have to think of new ways of organizing and other methods? To do this we will deliver, both to the task of doing a survey and mapping of the general working conditions of the country, like education, training and education of workers labor rights.

unionism find that the class has been played by mutual interests of working people is supportive, is for the emancipation of mankind from global and national capitalism. In this line, we declare:

1. reject violence business owners of the company PISA, which after a long strike of the Union No. 2, fired with rage and seeking to intimidate exemplary to employment to all who participated in the strike and now outrageous claim their leaders and pay no legal compensation.

2. We support the collective bargaining process carried out by construction workers of the company Urban Rancagua, confident in their strength and organization to get what they deserve for justice.

3. condemn the anti-union that is currently suffering a worker Veronica Silva de Viña del Mar.

4. We political prisoners called "case pumps," mounting a crude state without real evidence, that seeks to criminalize social protest and organization.

5. reject the sentence four Mapuche hunger strike, with penalties of 25 and 20 years amid a political trial that seeks to undermine the legitimate demands and struggles of the Mapuche people and centenarians. The capitalism as a way to gain greater wealth, does not hesitate to strip territory and natural resources of indigenous peoples.

6. strongly condemn the intervention of imperialism, which now intends to exercise his dominion over the peoples of the Middle East and Latin America to seize for the benefit of natural resources and the work of those areas planet.

We started walking. Our horizon is the unity of struggle and organization for the interests of working people and the vast majority. Our meeting is the wood of the fighting, training, regardless of the class that produces all wealth, and the militant solidarity.

"For a union regardless of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working on their service."

enterprise Trade Union of Workers of the Construction, Industrial Assembly and Others - SINTEC Chile

Francisco Bravo, Gabriela Cruces, leaders of the Workers' Union No. 1 Unisono ( Call Center)

Cid Carlos Lemus, President National Union of Workers Inter Trucks Prat Pier - Valparaiso

Etiel Moraga Contreras, National Director CUT

Jorge Bustos, President Confederation Seafarers

Louis Messina, Secretary General Bank of Chile Confederation

Juan Cuevas, President National Union of Workers SMEs

Magali Soto, Bank Workers' Union President Paris.

Cristian Martinez, President Union of Workers of BICE.

Virginia González Miranda, APS Officers Association La Platina (FREMESAM - CONFUSAM)

Ramon Lopez, leader of the National Workers Federation cimm.

Avercio Parra, Coordinator General Workers Confederation of Independent Trade Unions and Trade Persian

Jorge Pizarro Álvarez , Director of the Board , Lts Bodegas Union, D & S, a subsidiary holding D & S - Walmart

Victor Quijada, president Chilean Safety Association Workers

Javier Márquez, Itau Workers leader.

Dominique Siddi, Union Leader Boston College, Florida.

Judith Mayorga, Union College Kentenich father, Puente Alto.

Eduardo Carranza, Urban Transport Workers Federation, Valparaiso.

March 2011

When You Start To Die From Glioblastoma

Chile: Meeting for a union regardless of the interests of those who rule : Unity, struggle, solidarity and education

With proactive participation, and democratic leaders resolved and union delegates, women and men in public transport industries and cargo, construction, banking, the copper port, independent work, the supermarket, the Call Center, the teachers, of safety services; of the boatmen, health and SMEs, we conducted the first meeting by an independent trade union of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working in his service, on March 26 in Valparaiso.

We met convinced we are laying the basic groundwork that will help drive Chile's workers and strengthen the reappropriation of their own organizations, on the principle of political independence of the working class, whose immediate and historical interests are antagonistic towards the state, the current political parties, employers, self-owning class and the governments. We oppose the prevailing forms of capitalism, exploiting, plundering and that fuels its profits with the natural resources of people and employees in the territory.

We realized, full of will to reverse the current and poor conditions of workers in the country, a preliminary diagnosis for each sector on the current organization of work imposed by the capital, characterized by the relocation, high turnover, overexploitation, fragmentation, the subcontractor, the precarious contractual relations, the terrible wages, environmental destruction and the failure even of legal rights. Similarly, we assessed that the fear of job loss social alienation and rampant indebtedness are difficult elements and act as part of an anti-popular policy of the State and employers to prevent the formation of trade unions.

Participants have found that the current trade union representatives, who run the central organizations, acting under the business world, thus changing the role of trade unions, and making them integrated organizations defending the interests employers and government.

confront urgently consider new ways of capitalist exploitation, opening the debate and organizing the struggle to regain the unions as instruments of the workers themselves. Likewise, we must ask what kind of unions we need, "is the current union, as designed, the organization that require? Do I have to think of new ways of organizing and other methods? To do this we will deliver, both to the task of doing a survey and mapping of the general working conditions of the country, like education, training and education of workers labor rights.

unionism find that the class has been played by mutual interests of working people is supportive, is for the emancipation of mankind from global and national capitalism. In this line, we declare:

1. reject violence business owners of the company PISA, which after a long strike of the Union No. 2, fired with rage and seeking to intimidate exemplary to employment to all who participated in the strike and now outrageous claim their leaders and pay no legal compensation.

2. We support the collective bargaining process carried out by construction workers of the company Urban Rancagua, confident in their strength and organization to get what they deserve for justice.

3. condemn the anti-union that is currently suffering a worker Veronica Silva de Viña del Mar.

4. We political prisoners called "case pumps," mounting a crude state without real evidence, that seeks to criminalize social protest and organization.

5. reject the sentence four Mapuche hunger strike, with penalties of 25 and 20 years amid a political trial that seeks to undermine the legitimate demands and struggles of the Mapuche people and centenarians. The capitalism as a way to gain greater wealth, does not hesitate to strip territory and natural resources of indigenous peoples.

6. strongly condemn the intervention of imperialism, which now intends to exercise his dominion over the peoples of the Middle East and Latin America to seize for the benefit of natural resources and the work of those areas planet.

We started walking. Our horizon is the unity of struggle and organization for the interests of working people and the vast majority. Our meeting is the wood of the fighting, training, regardless of the class that produces all wealth, and the militant solidarity.

"For a union regardless of the interests of the state, employers, and political parties working on their service."

enterprise Trade Union of Workers of the Construction, Industrial Assembly and Others - SINTEC Chile

Francisco Bravo, Gabriela Cruces, leaders of the Workers' Union No. 1 Unisono ( Call Center)

Cid Carlos Lemus, President National Union of Workers Inter Trucks Prat Pier - Valparaiso

Etiel Moraga Contreras, National Director CUT

Jorge Bustos, President Confederation Seafarers

Louis Messina, Secretary General Bank of Chile Confederation

Juan Cuevas, President National Union of Workers SMEs

Magali Soto, Bank Workers' Union President Paris.

Cristian Martinez, President Union of Workers of BICE.

Virginia González Miranda, APS Officers Association La Platina (FREMESAM - CONFUSAM)

Ramon Lopez, leader of the National Workers Federation cimm.

Avercio Parra, Coordinator General Workers Confederation of Independent Trade Unions and Trade Persian

Jorge Pizarro Álvarez , Director of the Board , Lts Bodegas Union, D & S, a subsidiary holding D & S - Walmart

Victor Quijada, president Chilean Safety Association Workers

Javier Márquez, Itau Workers leader.

Dominique Siddi, Union Leader Boston College, Florida.

Judith Mayorga, Union College Kentenich father, Puente Alto.

Eduardo Carranza, Urban Transport Workers Federation, Valparaiso.

March 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kite Surf Birthday Cake

The PISA Retaliation against workers Workers

Despite the strike ended a few weeks ago , PISA workers are giving notice, and clear as a company as malicious and cruel as the property of Gabriel Ruiz Tagle, tricks and anti-union practices are the order of the day.

the bloodsuckers now fired 68 union members, is clearly a step in retaliation for the strike mentioned above, the worst part is that these layoffs are doing by going to the legal article and Article 160 of labor code where we can see a paragraph that refers to "The material damage caused intentionally in facilities, machinery, tools, work tools, products or merchandise." As an argument to dismiss the Company to workers without compensation. This argument is strengthened by the attack communications received by the union, the media gift presented to the striking workers as responsible for the death of a girl in a car accident and a fire attack on the Enterprise ( left much to be desired since the attack did not generate a lot of damage, which gives to think of a Tongo), with all this background the company laying off workers attacked 68 of them.

This Friday January 25 leaders rebuked the Labour Minister on the issue of layoffs, and this argument that these issues involves the work address and that his office has little to do with those decisions. What else could I ask whether the Minister's colleague the owner of the company, but some media rescued this fact and presented, but with the memory of that strike and the misrepresentation that they made.

then share the statement of co-Pisa:

Press March 24, 2011

public opinion

On Wednesday March 23, 2011, 68 members of our union went to the Labour Inspectorate in conjunction with the leaders union located in Quilicura to file a complaint for unfair dismissal from your employer PISA. All our partners were dismissed by invoking the grounds of Article 160 without compensation for years of service, which is why this action has shown clearly that all complaints filed by our union, with respect to anti-union practices at the outset of our strike which began on December 30, were well founded.

From the beginning we had disadvantages, in our legal strike tried by every means of trying to prevent the actions of the company with unfair practices, there were countless marches and demonstrations try to draw attention to high government officials to curb the actions of Pisa, but we were only heard when the events that occurred the day Wednesday, February 16, TV channels in conjunction with the company mounted a media show to criminalize the trade union movement, allotting facts that we do not correspond. As PISA

a large company in the market, it was layers of solving the security and economic problems of the striking workers, saying they had no financial means, yet have paid huge amounts of money in hiring a lot replacement staff, training courses retain partners outside the company, even as the budget is not complete production of the raw material has been purchased abroad, it is for this and other information more than sure that if there was money to meet the demands of the workers. But we believe that the end was always clear, and this was none other than remove the union.

need to know public opinion PISA, in an effort to desarticulizar our organization continues its unfair practices, this string of events culminating with the notification of the company's outrage of the leaders of the union.

We as an organization will continue in the legal struggle to find justice in our demands, and the country must know, as a junior government, Sub. Secretary of Sports, the owner of this company treats its workers, and contradicts the statements of this government to try to eliminate unemployment and creating new jobs, this is the true face of Pisa, its owners, and owners of the country.

As we said at the outset. Alert

workers in Chile, the government of employers sack their claws

resist until our part

Our dignity as workers

Atte. The directive.

Union No. 2 Industrial Paper Workers